Zwicker: NJ Transit Compromises Passenger Safety

Zwicker: NJ Transit Compromises Passenger Safety


(TRENTON) – Assemblyman Andrew Zwicker (D-Hunterdon/Mercer/Middlesex/Somerset) issued the following statement after the Assembly Judiciary Committee held a joint hearing on NJ Transit operations Friday with the Senate Legislative Oversight Committee:

“Reform is long overdue in a transit system where hostile workplace environments, discrimination and patronage hiring threaten passenger safety and undermine public confidence.

“Conditions described at yesterday’s hearing again spotlight the Governor’s failure to take action on this issue.

“Safety must be the first priority at NJ Transit for the sake of employees and passengers alike. More diligence is needed in implementing positive train control and other means of making mass transit safer for commuters. And, safety goes beyond proper equipment, A large part of ensuring the well-being of New Jersey’s public transportation network is fostering a culture where workers are respected and do not fear retribution for reporting unsuitable conditions. Unfortunately, the allegations we heard Friday show that NJ Transit has a toxic culture that jeopardizes passengers’ safety.”



Austin Lyle

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