Zwigard: Bring Change to the Morris County GOP

It has been two weeks since announcing my intention to run for [bubbleAutoLink text="Morris County Republican Chairman" id="26650"] in June and asking for your support. I have been honored to see the level of support for my candidacy as I continue to attend many Republican fundraisers in towns around the county.
It is obvious there is a desire to see big changes in our Morris County GOP, and I have put forth a plan to accomplish just that. We have seen much local press regarding the mismanagement and draining of funds by the current administration at the Morris County GOP. This must and will come to an end in June with your continued support.
Our party needs an entirely new direction; my platform is focused on rebuilding the Morris County Republican Party into the state’s most formidable GOP organization. With your support, we will:
- Modernize and professionalize how we run campaigns to compete with the Democrats, including an increased digital and social media presence, voter targeting and Get-Out-The-Vote.
- Increase transparency with County Committee on all party matters and be accountable for our efforts, especially as it relates to fundraising and compliance to Election Day success.
- Hire full-time staff at County GOP HQ and create a positive environment for volunteers, and host regular campaign schools to give Republicans the tools and knowledge to win.
- Honor Ronald Reagan’s 11th Commandment and focus our resources on defeating Democrats in November, not fellow Republicans in June.
If you have a vote for Chair in June and will join me in making the changes which are so important to our party - please let your fellow committee-persons know your intention!
If you are not a committee-person and would like to see change at the Morris County GOP, please call your town committee-person to let them know you support change.
I will continue to work hard at earning your support, your trust and your vote between now and the County Party reorganization meeting after the June primary. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns or suggestions about how we can revitalize our party together.
Robert A. Zwigard
Candidate for Morris County GOP Chairman