Are You Better off than You were Four Months Ago?

Let's see, for our MAGA Loving Flag Waving Patriots, congratulations! Are you better off now than you were four months ago?

You will get your small piece of a tax cuts while the mega rich, also known as Plutocrats, or Kleptocrats if we did not have the  dismantling of the Rule of Law, i.e. United States Constitution, get their windfalls.

Yes, you will get your small piece of a tax cut at the cost of massive and destructive unemployment of key government services while no less than Ebola prevention, measles outbreaks, needed vaccinations, and limited FAA traffic controllers (yes, also fired) put all of us at extreme risk. Oh, damn the Department of Education. With their paltry budget they provide lunches for poor kids and partial funds for disabled and handicapped kids. Who cares about them anyhow?

Musk said on Trumpist Larry Kudlow's show, 3/10/25, and your beloved Fox network that next will be Medicare and Social Security. No doubt the most vulnerable are fodder for Malthusian results and sacrifices including deaths of the vulnerable for the greater good of the wealthy. For the Project 2025 Loving Christian Nationalists, this is a perverse interpretation of Matthew in the New Testament - Blessed are the needy, for they shall inherit the earth, and Matthew warning that as the rich get richer, the poor get poorer.

Meanwhile, markets are unstable here and abroad, tariffs now are being visited upon us, partly the cost of Trump's delusions and Musk's sadistic Seig Heil delight in hurting others. Higher costs, less buying and demand, more unemployment and what now looks like a recession will be worse. Who cares? When you have a billion or multiple billions, even if the dollar is devalued by half, you are still ultra rich, with your private or concierge medical care, private schools, private infrastructure, and secure castles.

I have been told in print that I am a Trump hater, and that we should "Unite as Americans." I will never unite under the onslaught of harm and greed, and false prophets, such as the present Felon President and Ketamine Abusing unelected to anything Musk.

I have been questioned why I do not daily fly an American Flag. I fly it on national holidays to honor Veterans, including the 70,000  veterans fired from the VA without any idea of what they do, my family or veterans not limited to those who served in WWII, including D Day, flew bomber planes over Germany, cared for the most terribly wounded during the Vietnam war, no doubt countless other families for the same reasons, not for Cadet Bonespurs, as branded by Tammy Duckworth, helicopter pilot who lost her legs in the Iraqi war.

I do not fly it to honor the current president, a would be king, or emperor with delusions of buying or conquering Greenland or annexing Canada as the 51st state; a dictator and totalitarian in the making who aligns with Putin(still wonder what Putin has on Trump), Kim Jong Un, Erdogan, Orban, and too many Russian Satellites dictators to list.

Trump bullies others to do his daily dirty deeds, not limited to Musk and his minions and toadies, and the rest of the careening cabinet populated with a Kennedy who shames the memory of his father, uncles, and present family.

Tell us how united we will be after Medicare and Social Security are taken away or severely limited, the ACA is repealed, government assistance via Medicaid and assistance to vulnerable children is eliminated, and other likely results of this misadministration.

Oh, I understand, Trump said - Only I can fix it, and those who simply prefer, regardless of the costs, Fascism over Democracy, don't worry (while I do) ... be happy.

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