Bridgewater Democrats Announce Candidates for 2025 Council Elections

Bridgewater Democrats Announce Candidates for 2025 Council Elections

Bridgewater, NJ - The Bridgewater Democrats proudly announce that Ridwana Isla, Joan Geiger, and Andrew Bucko will be the three endorsed candidates for Township Council in 2025.

“I’m excited about the slate we’ve put together this year. Joan, Andrew, and Ridwana all bring a diverse set of skills to the table and they will make a great team to serve Bridgewater in 2025 and beyond,” said Bridgewater Municipal Chair Daniel Zelinski.

Ridwana Isla works as a regulatory strategy lead for a major pharmaceutical company and is on the cutting edge of new developments in oncology and cell therapy. “There are so many opportunities for growth in this town. I want to create more opportunities for businesses to set up shop here in Bridgewater. For too long, this town has been run by the same old club. We need fresh perspectives and ideas. We need a council that looks more like the town it represents,” said Isla.

Joan Geiger is a skilled attorney, highly respected mediator, and former public defender who is running to prioritize finding practical solutions to problems like stormwater management and housing affordability which affect the everyday lives of residents.

“Once you start attending council meetings, you realize what is happening in town,” said Geiger, “So many of the problems we are seeing in today’s headlines; corruption, cronyism, and short-term thinking; are reflected here in Bridgewater. It’s time to start governing with the common sense and responsibility that is missing from the current one-party council.”

Andrew Bucko is a software engineer, youth baseball coach, and former journalist. “When I started looking at the budgets coming out of the current council, it was clear the numbers just don’t add up.”, Bucko says, “Our taxes are going up and up, and it’s all because the current one-party administration is not doing their due diligence on responsible budgeting. If elected, I will work tirelessly to straighten out the town’s books so your tax dollars are working as efficiently as possible.”

The candidates expect to address political cronyism and favoritism, affordable housing, smart growth, and the all-Republican council’s failure to address everyday problems facing the public, like flooding, decaying roads, and the alarming trend of rising taxes. The campaign will look to break more than three decades of one-party rule and replace it with fiscal transparency, accountability, and responsible government.


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