Sussex County Dems Go for Mikie Sherrill

Today, Mikie Sherrill released the following statement after overwhelmingly winning the Sussex County Democratic Convention with nearly 90% of the vote — her fourth victory this month:
“Sussex County Democrats know we have to win this November, and I’m so grateful for their support. Back when I flipped a district in 2018, grassroots Democrats in Sussex put in the work to help us take that seat, because that’s how we build broad coalitions in tough areas and get to work on issues that matter to our local communities. The only way to beat the Republicans in November is by showing up everywhere and taking every voter seriously — that’s how I’ve turned a red district blue and helped Democrats up and down the ballot win. New Jersey is ready for a different kind of leadership in Trenton. Together, we can stand up to the chaos and corruption in Trump’s Washington and chart a new path forward here in New Jersey where everyone can get ahead.”
If you really want to help NJ and help make a change, stop fighting Trump and start helping his policies make the change we asked for. NJ has been blue way too long. Way to much spending in the wrong places with people lining their pockets instead of helping schools and communities
Just what Socialist, corruption plagued NJ needs. Another Rubber stamp Democrat who only cares about pushing their tax and spend agenda. The Fed gov needs to investigate the voting system in NJ because I know more and more people have woken up and now understand the lies and corruption that has infested the State of NJ. You Dems have tried to destroy the man who wants the best America for ALL Americans. Hes not like you progressive 5th columnists, he is actually cleaning up the corruption that your party has been implementing sincd the 1950's.
Lets hope we can keep men out of girls bathrooms and stop pushing pride agendas in school. Its the reason Dems lost my vote. The economy is important, europe is important, but children should always come first.
Now take every student seriously. New Jersey ranks #25 in the nation for educating its lower socioeconomic student population and it ranks the sixth most segregated school system in the nation. The Latino Action Network brought a lawsuit against New Jersey claiming segregation- and the unfair access to good schools - it is scheduled to go to trail. These students are New Jerseys future workforce, and many can’t read or do math proficiency . True reparations is an opportunity to a great education. We protest the rights for all students in one breath and in the next breath - BUT NOT IN MY SCHOOL! This is not a Trump problem. This is a long standing New Jersey problem. Our next governor will need to address this fact with a solid plan, because all others governors kicked this can down the road. This is no longer about “ Our Chance” rather this is “Our Duty.”
Mikie, Onward to gather every great American possible to defeat these awful Republicans. We have to fight TOGETHER -- the sooner the better. Too much unconstitutional actions already!!!!
Pamela, I'm with you 100%. I was at the convention today and the enthusiasm and determination to make a change is overwhelming.
Congratulations Mikie. Let’s ban together to protect the lives of our American people as well as our European neighbors and allies. Let’s help the Ukrainian people and stand up for what is right. I’m so disillusioned with the state of our White House and what the President and Vice President have done in such short order.