At Princeton Rally, Watson Coleman Declares Kavanaugh ‘Unfit to Serve’

Watson Coleman

PRINCETON – On the same day that U.S. Senators examine FBI materials pertaining to the Brett Kavanaugh case and as the clock ticks on U.S. Senate candidate Bob Hugin’s resistance to declaring a position, U.S. Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-12) led a rally of charged-up progressives opposing Kavanaugh’s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court.

“Our very lives are on the line,” said the congresswoman, installed at a podium in front of the tiger statue in downtown Princeton, flanked by the mayor and other leaders.

She didn’t like Kavanaugh at the outset, she said.

Then it just got worse.

“I wasn’t very much convinced of the veracity of things Kavanaugh was saying, but when he came back on the same day as Doctor Ford, he demonstrated that even if we set aside all of the allegations of sexual assault, he showed me he is unfit to serve,” Watson Coleman said.

West, above right.

Shouts of encouragement emanated from the crowd of sign-shaking supporters.

“I haven’t supported every supreme court nominee but have you ever heard any of them disrespect the senators or call out Democrats or claim Hillary Clinton was responsible? Have you ever heard such nonsense? We know he is not suitable. He doesn’t give a good you know what about our values. We can’t let up. We have 32 days to stand vigilant.”

The congresswoman underscored her commitment to reelecting U.S. Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ), and when she called out his name in the context of Kavanaugh, cheers ensued.

Veteran organizer/operative Terry West staged the event.

Princeton Mayor Liz Lempert adds her voice to the anti-Kavanaugh chorus.


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2 responses to “At Princeton Rally, Watson Coleman Declares Kavanaugh ‘Unfit to Serve’”

  1. And yet, Rep Watson-Coleman stands side-by-side with Sen. Groper, who actually wrote about his exploits. Double standard all the way. I wonder how many of the Dems on the Senate Judiciary Committee could withstand the scrutiny they place Kavanaugh under? I heard Sen Feinstein colored outside the lines in kindergarten.

  2. I dont think BWC can lose in 2018 but she is way too liberal for the Middlesex part of her district. Im hoping Kipnis wins Middlesex so he can run again in 2020 or that BWC loses to a more sane Dem in the primary.

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