Pro-Marijuana Legalization Scutari on Murphy’s Agenda: ‘Two out of Three Ain’t Bad’

NJ's Joint Legislative Committee on Ethical Standards dismissed a complaint filed by Linden Mayor Derek Armstead against state Senator Nick Scutari. The complaint alleged that a Scutari ally had intimidated Armstead's allies, tried to deny their civil rights and attempted to force them out of a Democratic County Committee race.

NEPTUNE – Called in to pull emcee duty here at the Monmouth Dems’ chairman’s ball, state Senator Nick Scutari (D-20) – the legislature’s leading marijuana legalization advocate – considered the governor’s agenda for the coming months.

Murphy earlier today checked off his priorities as follows: adult use of marijuana, medical marijuana, and $15 minimum wage.

“Two out of three ain’t bad,” Scutari said with a devilish grin.

He hopes to tackle marijuana again in the coming weeks, an urgency-is-of-the-essence tone in his voice.

Hauled down to Monmouth by his colleague, state Senator Vin Gopal (D-11), Scutari joined a crowd that also included Murphy, Long Branch Mayor John Pallone, Assemblyman Eric Houghtaling (D-11), former Belmar Mayor Matt Doherty, and the man of the hour, Chairman Dave Brown.

Asked about President Donald J. Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, Scutari – chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee and chair of the Union County Democratic Committee – said he doesn’t know much about him, but sees an opportunity for pro-choice Democrats to make the coming general election cycle about a threat to reproductive rights.

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