Public Officials Issue Strong Support for Assemblyman Freiman

Freiman of HIllsborough

In the lead up to tonight's Somerset County Democratic Committee meeting, the allies of incumbent Assemblyman Roy Freiman joined their names to a letter of enthusiastic support for the 16th District Democrat as he seeks the party line.

It follows in full here:

Dear Committee Member,

We have joined together to officially endorse Assemblyman Roy Freiman for re-election to be our advocate in Trenton. Throughout his nearly four years serving our residents, Roy has continually fought for our needs and supported the 16th Legislative District – now, he must know that we are supporting him.

From advocating for our small businesses during difficult times, to fighting for expanded access to quality health care, to protecting the environment, and making sure seniors can afford to stay in their homes, Roy has been the consistent and resolute voice upon which our residents depend.

We are proud to support Roy Freiman for another term in the Assembly and look forward to supporting him in the Primary on June 8th, and then on November 3rd!


Congressman Tom Malinowski, CD-7
Assemblyman Joe Egan, 17th Legislative District
Assemblyman Joe Danielsen, 17th Legislative District
Assemblywoman Linda Carter, 22nd Legislative District
Somerset County Democratic Committee Chairwoman Peg Schaffer
Somerset County Commissioner Deputy Director Sara Sooy
Somerset County Commissioner Melonie Marano
Somerset County Commissioner Paul Drake
Somerset County Commissioner Doug Singleterry
Somerset County Sheriff Darrin Russo
Somerset County Clerk Steve Peter
Branchburg Democratic Chairman Sivakumar Mathusoodana
Hillsborough Democratic Organization Chairman Bill Dondieggo
Montgomery Mayor Devra Keenan
Montgomery Democratic Organization Chairman Paul Blodgett
Somerville Mayor Dennis Sullivan
Somerville Democratic Organization Chairman Fred Wied
Rabbi Arnold Gluck, Temple Beth-El of Hillsborough

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