Putting the Trump Rioters on Hold

BEDMINSTER – Looks like the rioters who stormed the Capitol are going to have to wait a bit longer to be honored.

A much-discussed and often-criticized fundraiser to support “all Jan 6 defendants” had been scheduled for Sept. 5 at Trump National.

Now it’s been postponed.

The organization promoting the event – Stand in the Gap – had promised quite the evening. Here’s the promo:

“Join us for an unforgettable evening at the J6 Awards Gala, where we will honor and celebrate the twenty defendants who contributed to the powerful ‘Justice For All’ song. Released on March 3, 2023, this song quickly went Platinum, thanks to your unwavering support. Now, we gather to pay tribute not only to these individuals but to all J6 defendants who have shown incredible courage and sacrifice.” The song features defendants signing the National Anthem interspersed with Donald Trump saying the Pledge of Allegiance.

But now the website says simply that the event has been postponed and that a future location and time for it will be announced.

As originally scheduled, the event had quite the cast of luminaries set to attend, most notably Rudy Giuliani and Peter Navarro, a trade official in the Trump Administration.
Also scheduled to be on hand were relatives of Jan. 6 defendants. They were described thusly:

“The families of January 6th defendants have shown remarkable courage and resilience in the face of tremendous adversity. They have endured immense personal sacrifice, standing by their loved ones while navigating a complex and often hostile legal landscape. Their unwavering commitment to justice and the truth is a testament to their strength and dedication to preserving the principles of freedom and democracy.”

Only in the world of Donald Trump can relatives of those who marauded through the U.S. Capitol be spoken about so reverently.

Trump by the way had been invited to the event, but had said he would not attend.

Not all observers were enthused by the prospect of honoring Jan. 6 defendants.

OneNJ7 is a grassroots organization dedicated to progressive ideas and defeating Rep. Thomas H. Kean Jr. His congressional district includes Trump National.

Maggie Savoca, the group’s co-founder, had plans to organize a protest condemning the event. That in itself was interesting in light of new regulations banning parking near open land that both sides have used as a protest site since Trump’s presidency began in 2017. This is at the intersection of Route 206 and Lamington Road, about four miles from Trump’s golf course.

Many Trump backers opposed the parking ban at a recent township committee meeting, but at least for now, that’s an issue for another day.

Here’s Savoca’s take on the postponement:

“The cancellation of the J6 Gala shows Trump is running scared. We had 75-plus people signed up for our counter event. People who understand the facts about Jan. 6. People who understand each defendant was given due process under the law. People who want to live in a more perfect union and reject autocracy.”



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3 responses to “Putting the Trump Rioters on Hold”

  1. Trump Rioters???? What about BLM and ANTIFA rioters that burned down Minneapolis, burned a Federal Courthouse, and burned police stations???? We hear nothing about that. Oh, that’s right. Kabala Kamala and China Joe Biden gave them no bail and released them. The J6 DEMONSTRATORS who did not burn down anything or shoot anybody have been jailed WITHOUT DUE PROCESS for 4 years. They are being coerced and threatened to take bogus plea deals for jail time. Because they are conservatives and Republicans they were jailed. Sounds like the old Soviet Union and Eastern Communist Bloc.

    As for the “Cop Killer Ball”, no cop was killed by any J6 DEMONSTRATORS. The proof shows that the cop died by natural causes, not anything caused by the demonstrations. As for the so-called “cops” that continually show their ugly faces on Left-Wing Media, they are frauds, liars and part of the Deep State looking to incite more riots. In fact, one ran for Congress and got “blown out of the water” in the primaries!!!!!! And, what about the proof that Congress provided by whistleblowers showing that a lot of the inciters of the J6 “riot” were FBI and CIA plants??????????

    The “Good Guys” being spoken about are nothing more than Deep State government operatives; “useful idiots” if you will.

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