Quinn Departing Assembly Majority Office


Veteran Statehouse hand Mickey Quinn, deputy executive director at the New Jersey General Assembly, is leaving his job in Trenton.

Quinn served on the job for over two years and was a vital part of Speaker Craig Coughlin's (D-19) and Assembly Majority Leader Lou Greenwald's (D-6) team, intimately involved in all aspects of budget negotiations.

The Bordentown brand name will continue his close association with South Jersey Democrats.

This from a June 2018 budget standoff outside Governor Phil Murphy's makeshift offices:

Not to be outdone by his upper chamber colleague, Assembly Majority Deputy Executive Director Mickey Quinn just appeared, trudged through waves of heat across the parking lot and retrieved something in a vehicle parked outside 225 West State Street.

He put his head down through the mild hail of reporters’ questions and went back inside without incident.

Close to Greenwald and a trusted confidant of Democratic Assembly Campaign Committee (DAAC) Executive Director Michael Muller, Quinn was also a lead operative in assembly campaign elections on behalf of Democrats. It was a testament in part to his accumulated prowess that in 2019, insiders interpreted  the loss of just two assembly seats by Democrats in races dubbed "the Murphy midterms" as a political catastrophe.


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