Reaching Out to DiGaetano, Singh Moves Forward with U.S. Senate Bid

Engineer Hirsh Singh of Linwood wants the leaders in the Republican Party to know he's serious about his U.S. Senate run. To that end, he sent a letter to Bergen County GOP Chairman Paul DiGaetano notifying the chairman of his intentions.
The letter is reprinted here:
Dear Mr. DiGaetano:
As you know, Article XII, Section 2 of the Bergen County Republican Organization ByLaws begins as follows:
Any candidate who wishes to seek the nomination to office from the Republican County Organization, whether or not the candidate is an incumbent, shall file with the Republican County Chairman and with the secretary of this organization in writing of intention to seek nomination on or before February 1 of the year in which nomination is sought. This written notice shall be accompanied by a resume setting forth the professional, civic and political qualifications of the candidates.
Accordingly, I hereby notify you of my intent to seek the nomination of and support from the Bergen County Republican Organization in my campaign for United States Senate in 2018.
Enclosed herewith, please also find my resume setting forth my professional, civic and political qualifications for the office.
The Democrat Party has maintained a stranglehold on New Jersey’s United States Senate seats since 1978. Our current Senator, Bob Menendez, first assumed elected office four years before that in 1974 and now presents himself to the people of New Jersey for six more years of power and influence at the expense of the taxpayer.
But what has Senator Menendez’s nearly five decades as a politician wrought in New Jersey? The highest property taxes in the country, the most progressive income tax, a high state corporate tax, sanctuary cities, and failing school districts that nonetheless spend tens of thousands of dollars per student.
In Washington, Senator Menendez voted to socialize health care, nationalize education policy, cut military funding, and even tax the working poor who could not afford Obamacare. Meanwhile, New Jersey gets less than 70 cents for every dollar sent to the federal government ranking last out of all 50 States and crumbling infrastructure.
I’m sure you will agree that New Jersey needs new leadership in Washington and that our Party needs a candidate with the passion, fortitude, and energy to make the case that the Republican Party offers the best vision and policies for all New Jerseyans.
As this campaign unfolds, I will work hard to prove to you and the Bergen County Republican Organization that my campaign offers the best path to senatorial victory – a goal which has eluded us for too long.
I pledge to work closely with the candidates our Party puts forward in Bergen for County Executive, Freeholder, and municipal seats. Together we can restore the Party of Lincoln to respect and prominence for the benefit of all New Jerseyans.
Very respectfully,
Hirsh V. Singh