A Real Time Glance at ALL the Key Nov. 8th Elections

With Nov. 8 now a little more than a month away, it can be instructive to see what the candidates are talking about.

What's the key issue?

The Dems say it's abortion and women's rights; not so the Republicans.

With inflation still at around 8 percent, GOP congressional candidates across the state are continuing to highlight rising costs

In CD-3 covering most of Burlington and parts of Mercer and Monmouth counties, Bob Healey has criticized incumbent Andy Kim's approach to inflation two days in a row.

On Tuesday, Healey said Kim is so comfortable in his "Washington bubble" that he must not realize how inflation is adversely impacting seniors who rely on Social Security, pensions and investment income.

Today, Healey issued another statement condemning Joe Biden, and by extension, Kim, for the president's college loan forgiveness program. Under the initiative, student loan debt up to $10,000 will be forgiven for individuals earning less than $125,000 a year. Healey says the program is inflationary as well, adding that it's a scheme to "buy the college vote in the midterm election."

Healey's statement didn't address the fact many young people are struggling with student loan debt as they begin their careers, but that wasn't the point. Healey's overall aim appears to be to hit Kim over inflation.

In CD-7, Thomas H. Kean Jr. apparently got the memo as well. A mailer hitting today in this competitive district ranging over six counties attacks Democrat Tom Malinowski for backing the American Rescue Plan, which was passed in 2021 to help individuals and businesses cope with the pandemic.

The mailer ignores that info, but does claim that Malinowski "backed billions in wasteful spending."

And, of course, contributed to inflation.

Meanwhile in CD-5,  incumbent Democrat Josh Gottheimer likes to stress his work with the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus.

Frank Pallotta, his Republican opponent in 2020 - and again this year - enjoys ridiculing that stance, claiming that Gottheimer is really a radical leftist.

Just this week, however, Gottheimer sent out a release highlighting an endorsement from a group called "Republicans for Josh." No radical leftists there - presumably.

Frank Pallone would seem to be on safe terrain in CD-6.

Nonetheless, Pallone this week is highlighting a key Democratic legislative accomplishment - allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices, thereby lowering their cost.

Pallone on Thursday is scheduled to join health care advocates on a nationwide bus tour as it rolls through New Brunswick. But he won't be a mere passenger. The veteran lawmaker is to receive the Health Care Champion Award for his support over the years to make healthcare more affordable and accessible.

The sharpest attack among congressional candidates over the last few days surfaced in CD-11 where Republican Paul DeGroot called on opponent Mikie Sherrill to release her tax returns. In a statement,  he put it this way:

"Congresswoman Sherrill, I hope life on your mansion’s tennis court is treating you well. While hardworking New Jerseyans in CD-11 are struggling because you abandoned your promise on SALT relief, you seem to be living a lavish lifestyle. It’s time to release your tax returns."

The Sherrill campaign declined to respond.

Cory Booker, by the way, is in line to be the guest speaker at a Morris County Democratic bash on Friday.

Previous comments for: A Real Time Glance at ALL the Key Nov. 8th Elections

  1. Henry says:

    Typo it's the 6th district.

  2. Henry says:

    Thirty-four years of Frank Pallone is way too many. He's so out of touch and wrong on the issues that are most important to the hard-working people! In the closing weeks of the election, if Republican Sue Kiley in the 7th unloads on Pallone, he is gone! This race will be much closer than the 5th District race!

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