Redistricting and the Roots of Murphy-Norcross Acrimony

Political enemies NJ Governor Phil Murphy and NJ Senate President Steve Sweeney will come together to highlight pre-K budget investment at Oakview Elementary School in West Deptford. They will also tour pre-K classrooms and speak to the press.

Amid the [bubbleAutoLink text="ongoing tug of war" id="43616"] in Trenton today, an insider observed the fracas and shrugged.

It all adds up to South Jersey power broker George Norcross III versus Governor Phil Murphy, the source said.

Norcross and Senate President Steve Sweeney (D-3) had eight years of amiable political relations with Governor Chris Christie. It was a symbiotic relationship, it worked, the source noted; and it spilled into elections strategy, as when Christie in 2013 avoided campaigning for Republicans in Sweeney's and state Senator Jeff Van Drew's (D-1) districts.

That infuriated state Senate Minority Leader Tom Kean (R-21), who saw real opportunities for pick ups and an enhancement of senate GOP power on the then-popular Republican governor's coattails. Christie preferred to work with Sweeney and Norcross and protect himself rather than build the party and augment Kean, and even tried to get rid of Kean as punishment for the Republican senator attempting a campaign strategy to take out Democrat Sweeney.

When Murphy came into office he didn't pay much attention to Norcross and company, certainly not the way Christie - ever the pragmatist - did.

It started badly from the beginning.

The source pointed out that Norcross resented having to spend millions to protect Sweeney against an attempted bombing run by the New Jersey Education Association (NJEA). Then Murphy tapped Peter Cammarano - an ally of Norcross antagonist former Governor Dick Codey - as his chief of staff. Then he stacked his staff with young and inexperienced whippersnappers.

Then he was loathe to pick up the phone and call.

"I don't know who's advising him," the source said. "but these guys play for keeps."

Sweeney incrementally shoved back, to the point where nearly everything turned into a point-counterpoint.

All the compounded hurts chilled relations between Sweeney and Murphy to get to this juncture, where the senate president and his allies seek an apportionment model that strengthens the hand of legislative leadership. The proposal enables the senate president, senate minority leader, assembly speaker and minority leader to each nominate two members, one of whom in each case must be a legislator.

If Christie treated the South like a necessary component of politics, and by so doing alienating members of his own party, Murphy has resisted the establishment of his own party - maybe in the name of resisting control by an unelected overlord - and paid a price.

Will his style of leadership outdistance Christie's?

"We'll see if he can get his agenda passed," the source said skeptically, even as the governor and legislative leaders met this afternoon on minimum wage, came to no clear agreement, and looked prepared to move the critical agenda item to January 2019, along with recreational marijuana legalization.






Previous comments for: Redistricting and the Roots of Murphy-Norcross Acrimony

  1. Anthony Kilgowski says:

    Christie sold out the Republican Party and gave Norcross and Sweeney Everything they wanted. Christie has been doing this since he was AG. He had a chance to bring Norcross down, but he sold out to Norcross and caused democratic divide in South Jersey. Norcross and Sweeney are snakes. They got help from fatty Christie who was so desperate to become governor. Norcrossvdivided SJ drms to get dupport for Christie who used the democrats who were wronged by Norcross sndvhos deceitful machine. Murphy should reward douth Jersey democrats that Norcross destroyed. This would piss off Norcross, Christie and Sweeney big time

  2. Anthony Kilgowski says:

    Murphy needs to get an indictment on Norcross, Sweeney and the rest of this SJ machine. Norcross and Sweeney have reeked chaos division and havoc in the Democratic Party. These elections in SJ are Blatant Fraud from the line up on the ballot to the mail in ballots and manipulated voting machines. Get honest people who are not compromised by Norcross and Sweeney to investigate Norcross and Sweeney and sj voter fraud. Christie has helped Norcross and Sweeney gain power via abusing it Now it is time that Murphy take SJ Machines power away. Everybody wants to see Norcross, Sweeney, christie and their political operatives indicted NOW. We have had enough of their bullying and abuse

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