Report: Healy May be Bucking for a Hudson Comeback

Jerry Healy

Hudson County View Editor John Heinis reported today that former Jersey City Mayor Jerry Healy "is in the mix" to run against Union City Mayor (and LD33 Senator Brian Stack) for the chairmanship of the Hudson County Democratic Organization (HCDO).

Read Heinis' story here.

Stack is aligned with Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop against Healy's old pal, Hudson County Executive Tom DeGise.

Fulop defeated Healy for the mayoralty in 2013, when DeGise stood with him, even as North Bergen hotshot state Senator Nick Sacco (D-32) stayed out of the fray.

When Healy lost the election, most observers assumed DeGise was toast.

But Stack and Sacco - eager to avert war and unite Hudson behind the combined new leadership of Fulop and Speaker Vincent Prieto - backed his 2015 reelection.

It proved only a matter of time, however, before Stack and Fulop would tire of DeGise, [bubbleAutoLink text="resulting in the pair refusing to support his reelection in 2019" id="26483"], a decision that apparently may rouse Healy.

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