REPORT: 'Murphy lawyers charge Democratic power broker with intimidation after legal warning letter sent directly to governor’s home'

Writes Ted Sherman on In a move foreshadowing a likely lawsuit, an attorney for Democratic power broker George Norcross III sent letters directly to the home of Gov. Phil Murphy and to members of a task force investigating the state’s Economic Development Authority, demanding they preserve all records and documents connected to New Jersey’s controversial tax incentive programs.
Read the full story here.
Norcross thinks he is above the law and he can do what he pleases to people He uses people to defame, interfere and orchestrate manufactured crimes then has his paid off media report on it. It’s insane what this arrogant crime boss does to destroy innocent people. He has to control people and destroy lives. There has been NO accountability. He’s destroyed many innocent lives. It’s a disgrace for SJ victims
If he lived in Drumthwacket, it wouldn't be an issue. He decided to make his home the Official Residence, so be it.