Report: Murphy Out Of State Twice As Much As Christie In First Year

Carl Golden, senior contributing analyst with the William J. Hughes Center for Public Policy at Stockton University, discusses how the report of the committee investigating Al Alvarez's appointment to the School Development Authority shows that Gov. Phil Murphy's staff was more concerned with avoiding a public disclosure of the accusations rather than seeking the truth and acting decisively on it.

According to a report, Governor Murphy spent twice as many days out of the state than his predecessor in his first year in office.

Murphy spent all or part of 100 days out of NJ in 2018, according to the report.  Former Governor Christie spent 49 days out of NJ in 2010, the first year of his governorship.  He spent 261 days (72%) out of state in 2015, the year of his failed presidential bid.

Murphy's Press Secretary Dan Bryan told that approximately half of the travel was on weekends, and about a third of the weekday travel involved state business, such as the October economic mission trip to Germany and Israel. breaks down the Governor's travel here.

Previous comments for: Report: Murphy Out Of State Twice As Much As Christie In First Year

  1. SouthJerseyTaxpayer says:

    Busy guy-- no time to meet with Assembly and Senate leadership on actually passing laws.

  2. Martha Bartha says:

    Right! He has his priorities.

  3. Martha Bartha says:

    He's not stupid. It's Zoo Jersey.

  4. 1Prop says:

    Why let a little thing like being Governor interfere with his lifestyle? Now that be won't be running for President in 2020, he can't be bothered with governing.

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