Report: NJ Doctor Describes Her Fight with COVID-19

Dr. Julie John

An intensive care doctor headquartered in West Ridgewood who could not breathe because of COVID-19 made a good bye video for her children.

“I couldn’t catch my breath because I was drowning in my lungs,” Dr. Julie John told CNN.

She said she got down on her knees and prayed Pslam 91.

Then she made a video.

“I just wanted to tell my kids they are the most important things in the world,” said John.

Now she is getting better from the disease as she maintains quarantine.

Her story can be found here.

“I am 38 years old and my body is not healing fast enough,” John said during a CNN interview on Monday.

From ABC:

The New Jersey doctor says she was reluctant to call 911 when she first suspected she might have COVID-19, because she didn’t want her 6-year-old and 8-year-old children to see the paramedics intubate her.

“I couldn’t catch my breath because I was drowning in my lungs and I was breathing faster and I checked my home pulse ox – it was down to almost 85,” John said. “I knew if I called 911, what an EMT would want to do to somebody like me, who was working hard to breathe.”

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