Report: Trump Announces Van Drew will Become a Republican

After beating the Trump-loving Grossman, Van Drew reached out to President Trump on the floor of the House ahead of Trump's state of the Union speech.

From The Hill:  President Trump met with Rep. Jefferson Van Drew (N.J.) at the White House on Thursday and announced that the Democrat would [bubbleAutoLink text="switch parties" id="72717"] and become a Republican.

“Jeff will be joining the Republican Party,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office on Thursday afternoon, after teasing a “very big announcement.”

Van Drew told Trump he has his “undying support.”

For the full story, please go here.

Van Drew stood with Republicans in the minority last night as Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives voted this evening in favor of impeaching Trump.

They approved Article 1 of the resolution, abuse of power.

They then voted aye on Article 2, obstruction of justice.

The impeachment articles will go to the U.S. Senate, tasked with considering in a trial whether or not to remove Trump from office.

Republicans in the majority of the senate are expected to uphold the president remaining in power.

In the House, U.S. Rep. Collin Peterson, a Democrat from Minnesota who occupies a district Trump won by 30 points, and U.S. Rep. Jared Golden, Democrat from Maine, voted with Van Drew against impeachment.

They were the only three Democrats who broke ranks from their fellow party members to vote in the negative.

During Van Drew's meeting with the President this afternoon, NRCC Chairman Tom Emmer released the following statement regarding the South Jerseyean's decision to leave the Democrat Party and become a Republican:

“Jeff Van Drew should be commended for refusing to blindly follow Nancy Pelosi’s stampede of hate-filled Democrats over the edge of the political cliff.

“This is further proof that the socialist Democrats’ hatred of President Trump and obsession with removing him from office will cost them their majority next November.

“This is now a Republican seat and we will fight tooth and nail to ensure it remains a Republican seat.

“We encourage any remaining Democrats not consumed by a hatred of Donald Trump and who have a desire to govern for the betterment of the American people to join our freedom-loving Republican Party.”

Democrat Brigid Harrison reacted.

“In the most cynical act imaginable, today Jeff Van Drew disgracefully betrayed the people of the 2nd

Dr. Brigid Callahan Harrison

District," Harrison said. "Jeff Van Drew traded his party for the support of a failed, impeached President, demonstrating his disloyalty not only to Democrats, but also to Republicans and Independents. In switching parties, he violated the trust placed in him by all of those who voted for him, including me.

"His actions today are simply despicable and he has shown once again that he holds no loyalty to the people of our community, the Constitution, or the future of democracy. 

“Let’s be clear, Van Drew made a choice.  He chose to obstruct Congress’s rightful authority to investigate very serious allegations.  He chose to assist in withholding crucial information related to the 2020 election.  And, most of all, he chose to put is own political career above the needs of his constituents and his country.  This choice - and today's handshake - will define Jeff Van Drew's legacy in New Jersey for generations.

“Now that Van Drew has chose Trump over the people South Jersey, we begin a new day.  We now have a new, clear opportunity to create a pathway for needed change.  The choice is now back in the hands of each of us and it is my determination as a Democratic candidate for the 2nd congressional district to provide leadership that will always put the needs and demands of people first.”

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