Republican Tom Toomey Announces Campaign for Congress in New Jersey’s 11th District

Businessman and self-proclaimed outsider Tom Toomey (R - NJ11) announced his campaign for Congress in New Jersey’s 11th district. Toomey said he has a decade of experience growing businesses of all sizes, from local to Fortune 500 companies.
He most recently served as senior staff at the Republican National Committee (RNC) during the 2020 campaign cycle.
The following statement can be attributed to Republican Congressional candidate Tom Toomey (R-NJ11):
“I am throwing my hat in the ring to represent the 11th district in Congress because I was born and raised in New Jersey, and I am deeply concerned by the direction of our country. Our economy is in the gutter, bureaucrats in Washington are dictating what our schools do, and do-nothing career politicians in Washington refuse to do their job. As a businessman I have helped grow businesses of all sizes from small to Fortune 500 companies, so I know what needs to be done to get Americans back to work. The first step starts with getting rid of career politicians like Mikie Sherrill.”
“Our broken economy won’t get better if we don’t elect more business oriented representatives to Congress who are willing to fight, negotiate and make hard decisions. We need less politicians on both sides that hide when times get tough, and more Americans like me who are battle-tested and have grown businesses through good and difficult times. I have spent my career changing, fixing, and growing companies, and our country needs someone right now who can do that for the greatest country on earth.”
About Tom Toomey, from his campaign:
Tom is a born and raised Jersey guy and businessman running to serve New Jersey's 11th Congressional district. Tom grew up in a hardworking, middle class family, and was raised with the same blue collar chip on his shoulder like so many other New Jerseyans. Early on Tom knew he wanted to go into business, so to help pay his way through school he worked 50-plus hour weeks for a Jersey catering company hand-in-hand with the owner.
No one knows better than Tom that small businesses are the backbone of America and New Jersey. After learning the ins-and-outs of how a small business functions, Tom went on to corporate America, starting his career at Thomson Reuters and then Samsung, where he was responsible for a program that generated over a billion dollars in revenue per year across the United States. Then Tom took his business expertise to an emerging artificial intelligence (AI) company, Workfusion, where he helped bring new technology to the world and helped grow businesses globally by building out Workfusion’s global go-to-market strategy.
In June of 2020, Tom felt a calling to do his part to serve America. During the past four years, he saw the policies Democrats were proposing, and having worked in business his entire career, Tom knew how harmful these policies would be for our economy, healthcare, and New Jerseyans. Then Tom decided to take his expertise and help the Republican National Committee fight for limited government, rebuild our economy and defend our American values.
After the campaign Tom returned to the business world because he was disheartened and disgusted by what he saw in Washington: politicians and bureaucrats on both sides just there to pad their bottom line and help their careers. Tom learned early on in his career that if you want something done, do it yourself. That’s why Tom decided it’s time to run and show New Jersey they have someone who will fight for them, not for special interests or DC insiders.
disappointed that only way to donate is via and default is monthly and no way to specify one time donation - happy to support but don't like the strong arm tactics...
Given Pres Biden's awful poll numbers and the results in VA & NJ, there may be more candidates jumping into this race.... Murphy only got 43% in Morris County and narrowly won Passaic County, Only because of his lopsided margin in heavily Dem Paterson (which Isn't in the 11th CD). If Sherrill doesn't do Much better than Murphy, she'll lose this seat...
Yes, look how that turned out! Total Dem rule in DC is awful and ruining the country. Mikie is a phony who votes liberal every time it matters. Vote Republican and send phony Mikie packing.
who is this guy, a business oriented candidate wasn't that supposed to be Trump, look how that worked out.