Reyes-Morton: Norcross Helicopter Mentality Came Home to Roost in SJ

Camden Councilwoman Reyes Morton

Fourth Ward Councilwoman Felisha Reyes-Morton today described last week’s election results as a referendum on George Norcross and South Jersey Democrats.  “South Jersey Democrats do not represent the interests of South Jersey and that’s real talk, especially women,” said Councilwoman Felisha Reyes-Morton. “Where are the women at the table?"

“Tuesday’s election claimed their leader, a third of the entire legislative delegation, and their power.”

Councilwoman Reyes-Morton’s spoke on the heels of Senate President Steve Sweeney losing his own re-election in District 3, although the embattled senate president won't concede.

The councilwoman said Sweeney needs to cry uncle in the face of a repudiation by reality.   “What began in Camden in the spring and summer spread throughout South Jersey: voter discontent,” said Reyes-Morton. “This is what happens when you spend all of your time playing bully-ball politics, Elections matter - and this one left a lasting impression.”

In a recent NYTimes interview, George Norcorss said the following: “The Democratic Party is going to have to, and candidates for office are going to have to, redefine themselves as fiscally responsible legislators and ones that are going to spend government money wisely and not recklessly as is portrayed.”

“This is where George’s time in the helicopter has really separated him from reality,” said Reyes-Morton. “It’s not about conservative or liberal, left vs right; it’s about right vs. wrong.”

“Tuesday, November 2, 2021 was a referendum on George Norcross’ hubris and Steve Sweeney’s disconnectedness,” said Reyes-Morton. “The Democratic Party needs to get back to being the party of working class New Jersey.”

Previous comments for: Reyes-Morton: Norcross Helicopter Mentality Came Home to Roost in SJ

  1. Joe says:

    Sweeney has to go. These 12000 missing votes are nothing more than Dead people ballots. South Jersey machine and the entire election board needs an overhaul to stop This corruption

  2. Joe says:

    Sweeney needs to be investigated for kiddie porn; sexual harassment and abusing power. He’s been doing this since he was a free holder. He’s been able to have these cases against him dismissed and the person fired or defamed Look how he sexually harassed a county Worker who he had fired and the case dismissed by their corrupt Appointed judges. This should have never been dismissed and their are many more cases he just had shut down and people wrongfully terminated. This has been hell in south Jersey. The governors have enabled this Criminal behavior enacted by Sweeney and his political goons.

  3. Joe says:

    Sweeney should be under a town; city; state; county; federal and international investigation. He destroyed lives. He interfered in people’s jobs and caused them. And their families to wrongfully suffer. He still continues behind the scene using editor Jason Ladday; Alex Young and Courier post editor Jim Walsh kickbacks and envelops of cash to defame and reckless write manufactured news. Sweeney violated the color of law and ordered police to make a false arrest outside of their jurisdiction. This was a major abuse of his power as state Senator Sweeney hired people like joe Crincoli to interfere in elections and worked with Steve Ayscue: Roger Stone and Manafortplaces elected and former elected officials on pornographic and child trafficking sites. Sweeney and his political operatives like Mayor David R. Mayer sexually harass and exploit innocent women. Their needs to be a major cyber investigation from computer hacking to Cyber harassment it’s horrific. Get

  4. medemanidiot says:

    Some of the best words from a politico so far on this. They treated thier positions as though they were the chosen ones and just used it for pensions jobs friends and family jobs. And just general look at us attitude. I was very happy to see entrenched dems go down here

  5. jeff s says:

    Well said.

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