Ridley Runs for Ward A Council Seat in Jersey City

Jumping out in front of a crowded potential field of candidates, life-long Ward A resident Denise Ridley today formally announced her intention to seek the position of Ward A Councilperson in Jersey City.
Her intentions come amid speculation that Councilman Frank Gajewski (pictured) won't pursue reelection.
Ward A residents have seen more of Gajewski in the last few weeks, sparking talk about what he wants and will do, even as multiple people jockey for attention to replace him. Those people include community activist Pamela Johnson, school board union board leader Joe Conti, former School Board Prez Vidya Gangadin.
Ridley's official unveiling as a candidate comes two years after she briefly stood atop the Legislative District 31 pedestal as an assembly cand9idate with the backing of Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop, then vanished, replaced by Assemblywoman Angela McKnight.
Now, she appears to be striving hard to again get the attention of the mayor, who's carefully putting his team together behind the scenes as he gears up for his November reelection bid.
No one ever pulled the plug on Ridley in a fashion that was less than amicable, a source close to those negotiations insists, and she remained in the fold after city hall opted for McKnight, sticking around as a committee-person and doing all those things expected of a "team player."
She looks like a strong contender to land on the mayor's ticket before it's all over, another source said, but regardless, Ward A will prove contentious.