Robinson out as Morris County Democratic Chairman

Morris County Democratic Committee Chairman Chip Robinson has resigned.
A source said it's a mix of things.
It's the A.J. Oliver situation, and its aftermath.
It's Robinson kicking Dover Democrats off the line.
It was an ally of Robinson's disrespecting state Senator (and former Governor) Dick Codey.
It was a lot.
"Chip Robinson had a bad night.
"The Morris County Democratic chairman was near the top of the local political world in 2018 – when Dems took two congressional seats in Morris – and also a year ago when both Joe Biden and Cory Booker carried the once dependable GOP redoubt.
"But then came Tuesday.
“'Last night was a very difficult night for Democrats nationwide and statewide and our county was no different,'” he said in a statement Wednesday afternoon.
"The county’s Democratic state legislative and commission candidates didn’t even come close.
Dems also lost the biggest local prize – the mayor’s seat in Parsippany where Michael Soriano was the incumbent. Additionally, Chatham Township, which had flipped “blue” a few years ago, flipped back to “red.”
"Left unsaid was that one of the Democratic commission candidates was un-endorsed by NJ 11th For Change, an influential local group, after it surfaced he didn’t support abortion rights. That has prompted calls by some in the party for Robinson’s resignation."
It was finally too much.
Robinson resigned.
This is a developing story.
More later.