The Roots of DeGroot


Paul DeGroot may have initially seemed like an outlier in the race for the Republican nomination in CD-11.

Unlike candidate Larry Casha, a state committeeman, DeGroot hasn't been active in the party for 30 years. And unlike candidate Tayfun Selen, a Morris County commissioner, DeGroot is not an elected official.

But just a week or so ago, he won the first skirmish in the nomination battle, securing the endorsement of Passaic County Republicans. There are some caveats here.

DeGroot now lives in Montville, Morris County, but he grew up in Passaic County (Clifton), and spent about 25 years working for the Passaic County Prosecutor's Office.

So he certainly has ties to the county.

But a win is still a win, even if redistricting has shrunk Passaic's CD-11 territory to Little Falls, Totowa, Woodland Park and part of Wayne. Essex and Morris, which is the key Republican stronghold, make up the rest of the district.

DeGroot also is seeking the middle ground if you will, stressing that Republicans must recognize reality.

"The district has not gotten more red, it's gotten more blue," he said Tuesday morning over breakfast at a Route 46 diner. Knowing Democrat Mikie Sherrill won the district in 2018 and 2020 after years of GOP dominance, DeGroot says, "We are losing people," or actually, voters.

He said he wants to do a better job reaching the voters Republicans are losing, namely women and minorities. On that score, he talks of reaching out to the district's growing Indian and Latino communities.

A lot of party politics these days tends to push to the extreme.

Go to a Democratic gathering and the talk often swings around to fighting white supremacy, the Trump cult and possible insurrections to come.

At a Republican candidates' night last week in Madison, there was rhetoric about radical socialists and Marxists. Both camps can be amusing, but such rantings often are far removed from what normal people actually think.

DeGroot says flatly that the 2020 race is over and that Joe Biden is the president. That's a very obvious statement, but it's also one that is not accepted by all Republicans. Or at least those still enthralled with Donald Trump.

Still, many of DeGroot's views are in line with traditional conservative thinking.

For instance, he wants voter-ID laws and thinks Biden has been "weak" on Ukraine and that the administration was "asleep at the switch" in regard to rising inflation and supply side problems. He doesn't totally oppose the recently-signed federal infrastructure bill, but says it probably could have been trimmed back.

Yet, with an eye toward trying to recapture some of the voters Republicans have lost, DeGroot said he's open to expanding Medicare to include dental and vision coverage and to consider doing anything practical to reduce drug prices. On some of the social issues that have tripped up Republicans in the past, DeGroot says that no one honestly looking at his background will ever accuse him of being anti-women or anti-gay rights.

How DeGroot does in the upcoming Morris County convention remains to be seen. But he already is primed to take on Sherrill.

In the four years she's been on the political scene, Sherrill's nearly 10 years serving in the Navy has, understandably, gotten no criticism.

DeGroot looks at the shorter amount of time she worked for the U.S. Attorney's Office.

The congresswoman's bio says that "as an outreach and re-entry coordinator, Congresswoman Sherrill developed programs to help prevent crime in the community."

That doesn't impress DeGroot.

He says those joining the U.S. Attorney's Office normally "dream of taking down terrorists" and overseeing wiretaps to take down the mob. In his career in Passaic County, DeGroot says he's prosecuted drug dealers, murderers and other miscreants.

DeGroot says that Sherrill never did that, adding that she was a "fake prosecutor."

A fake prosecutor? If DeGroot gets that far, this could be a real election.

Previous comments for: The Roots of DeGroot

  1. Christopher Molinaro says:

    Not sure also what his record is on gay rights and marriage equality was 2015? LGBT rights are once again in peril if the partisan and religious fanatics on the Supreme Court get their way and turn back the hands of time to 1922.That is an horrific contemplation after what they did with Roe vs.Wade.LGBT rights are my primary concern as a married gay man.There are sick ,Bible-consulting zealots out there that want us back in the closet and invisible once more and our basic rights taken away...and all good,decent and fair-minded Americans can never let this happen...ever !

  2. Craig says:

    Not sure Mikie Sherill is a fake prosecutor but she is definitely not good for our district. She has done nothing for our district honestly except filling up her coffers with millions to win her rejection by Buying ads on media. But she doesn't has the courage to Debate her opponent. Hope this guy wins. I would vote For anyone standing against Mikie Sherill.

  3. Leonard Swan says:

    Paul Degroot didn’t call Sherill a phony He said she beefed up her resume to mask her inexperience in order to get elected A million dollars from Bloomberg didn’t hurt either Paul is an honest and honorable man Lastly 50 million Americans voted for Trump Are they all to be criticized?

  4. Kathleen Demarest says:

    ……….…….REALLY……. A FAKE PROSECUTOR??? To call Rep. Sherrill a fake prosecutor sounds demeaning and insulting to me, like the rhetoric of Trump. Being the prosecutor of murderers doesn’t impress me. I truly would like to know if DeGroot voted for Trump a second time. If so, it shows a complete lack of common sense and civility.

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