Roselle Democratic Organization Gets Behind Fortuna and Bernier

Atkins Bernier Fortuna

Last night, the Roselle Democratic Committee voted to award the Regular Democratic Organization line to incumbents John Fortuna and Brandon Bernier. Councilmen Fortuna and Bernier will run on the Democratic ticket alongside Governor Phil Murphy, Senator Joe Cryan and Assembly candidates, incumbent Assemblywoman Annette Quijano, and Roselle Democratic Chairman and former Mayor Rev. Reginald Atkins.

“In my time as Mayor of Roselle, I was proud of the work we did to break down the barriers in our borough government and bring people together. Today, I’m proud to say that under the leadership of Mayor Donald Shaw and our Borough Council, Roselle is more united than ever.”

Highlighting the borough’s 0% Tax Increase, Rev. Atkins said he was proud of the work the Mayor and Council have done to lessen the burden of recovery from COVID-19 on Roselle’s hard-working families. The General Assembly candidate also highlighted his church’s work with Union County to provide 10,000 boxes of food for Roselle’s families last year.

“Working with the County, we set up a distribution program to tackle food insecurity in Roselle head-on. We saw tremendous community spirit and it was truly inspiring to know that united and working together, we can provide for our most vulnerable residents. That’s the community-oriented call to service, I want to bring to all of the municipalities in the 20th district in the state legislature.”

With a united local government and strong Democratic leadership, and as vaccine distribution increases across the state, the road to recovery from COVID-19 has begun and Roselle’s bright future looks even brighter.

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