Rosenstein Leaving CWA Post


Longtime labor leader Hetty Rosenstein is leaving her employment as state director with the Communications Workers of America (CWA) of April 2, 2021.

In an email sent this week to friends and political contacts, she noted:

"I am not leaving the movement for workers' rights and social and economic justice. I am not leaving behind my union family and my love of CWA.  I am leaving this job at this time. I have had an extraordinary time working with CWA for 40 years and I am grateful for every moment of it.   But if I have learned anything after nearly a year of COVID lockdown, it is that we do not have unlimited time.  There are other things that I want to do, and from a different perch and a different lens.  There are other people who will have a chance to step up.  The work will continue.  The struggle will continue.  I will be there with you always, just from a different place.

"It does not mean that I love my union any less. As I have told more people that I will be moving on, I am acutely aware of how much I love CWA, I love our members, and I have loved working with you.

"There is a lot of work to do and get into place by April 2, to make this transition.  CWA will go through its process and Vice President Trainor will announce my successor after that has happened.  I am completely secure that it will be a good transition and I will do everything I possibly can to make sure that is so. I look forward to a time when we can be together again and celebrate this and other moments.  If you need me at any time between now and April 2, and in fact ever, I will always try to be helpful and build our union."

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