Roxbury Board of Ed Gives Thumbs Up to State Transgender Policy

ROXBURY – For the second time in a few weeks, a board of education has reaffirmed a state policy that protects transgender students.

The Monday night vote in this Morris County town followed a similar action late last month in Old Bridge in Middlesex County.

Republicans made public schools a major issue in last month’s legislative elections. There were complaints about “pornographic” books in school, a “woke” curriculum, and an agenda that encourages a gay and/or transgender lifestyle.

That sentiment prompted – or at least it did nothing to deter – a reported nine New Jersey school boards to scrap policy 5657, which says teachers and staff must respect a student’s gender identity. Moreover, they are not required to tell parents about it.

Eliminating that policy does not change state laws against discrimination, but it was seen by some as a symbolic protest against a left-leaning school policy.

The November election, however, was not good for Republicans; the GOP lost six seats in the Assembly and the Senate remained as is.

In the wake of that election, two boards have endorsed, or technically refused to scrap, the state policy on transgender students.

It’s hazardous to read too much into one election, but last month’s results tell us state voters are not nearly as unhappy with New Jersey public schools as the GOP’s campaign rhetoric suggested.

In Roxbury, the board agreed to get rid of the policy at an earlier meeting, but when it came to a final vote on Monday – it backed keeping the policy intact in a 6-3 vote.

The makeup of the school board will change next year, so there may be another vote on the issue. But as of now, it’s status quo.

One thing about the so-called culture wars as they relate to gender: the arguments tend to be the same. That doesn’t mean they’re insincere, just that opinions are well established.

Right in step with that view,  Greg Quinlan of the Center for Garden State Families reminded the board that he had been there before,

He said “there is something severe and dangerous” about a policy that prevents parents from knowing about their child’s gender-related activities.

Then again … suppose parents are not supportive?

That was a central argument of those asking for the policy to stay in place. As one speaker put it, “Maybe home is not a safe place for them,” – meaning trans-children.

Do away with the policy and you put transgender students in danger, said another speaker.

When board members discussed the issue, Anne Colucci said the policy encourages the keeping of secrets from parents. She added that the policy was “totally unnecessary,” noting state law banning discrimination.

But Board Member Carol Scheneck said the policy is needed, because it offers guidance to teachers and staff.

In the end, that view prevailed – at least for the moment.




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9 responses to “Roxbury Board of Ed Gives Thumbs Up to State Transgender Policy”

  1. How sad that so-called LGBT rights overrule parents’ rights! The board of ed is a disgrace and 6 of them need to be voted out! Parents of Roxbury, DON’T give up!

  2. Well said Henry.
    Seems either private schools or home schooling is the way to go, despite the added time and potential financial burden.
    The public schools country wide are failing miserably.

  3. False. They aren’t “so-called LGBT” rights. They are rights we all have, namely equal protection under the laws, and that right protects individuals from discrimination based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity. You don’t call laws protecting African Americans from discrimination based on race “so-called black” rights or protecting those from discrimination based on religion “so-called religious” rights. You have a right to parent your child, that right includes the ability to homeschool them if you so choose. Protecting children from discrimination in schools does not overrule that right because parents remain free to remove their children from public education. Just like when schools began adding evolution to the curriculum, it did not overrule parents’ rights to raise their children, they could let them attend school and learn about something their religion does not support or take them out of school. Why is the board of ed a disgrace for ensuring that a vulnerable demographic of children are not discriminated against?

  4. In what way are the pubic schools country wide failing? And specifically, why does respecting a child’s gender identity mean public schools are failing? Why is respecting what another person wants to be called an issue? I am assuming, Peter, you are male. I don’t think you would have much respect for someone who kept referring to you as she/her after repeated requests from you to use he/him. What about respecting gender identity do you take issue with? What are the consequences to society for respecting the gender identity of another?

  5. Our schools are no longer institutions of learning, they are indoctrination centers. It’s not uncommon for young children to know more genders than they have classmates.

    Kids can’t read, they are not learning math, science history but they’re taught to use people’s preferred pronouns. And now we are teaching children that a man can give birth.

    The entire education system is failing in this country.
    I don’t think this teaching will be acceptable as parents learn more of exactly what is being taught in the schools.

    The entire system needs to be reexamined. Every teacher needs to be reviewed and requalified. The teacher unions disbanded and a merit system, not tenure, implemented. Same applies to school administrators.

  6. Educating children about gender identity and sexual orientation (just that these things exist and that we should have an open mind and foster inclusivity and tolerance) has no effect on the rest of the curriculums that have been in place. Please cite to facts/articles/studies demonstrating that children can no longer read and no longer learn math or science or history. We are teaching children (so they do not hold misinformed and ignorant views of the kind you are expressing here) that transgender men (who exist in the world regardless of whether you tell children about it) are individuals who were born as biological females, but identify as male and can still give birth if they so choose. Not that biological men can give birth. I am genuinely curious what the fear is of teaching children to respect the differences of others and the preferences of others even if they are not in line with our own views/understandings. I am also curious as to what is going on that you believe children are being indoctrinated. Would love to engage in a conversation about this because I am having a hard time why there is so much fear and vitriol surrounding transgendered individuals.

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