Ruiz Lauds Murphy In Wake of Guv Announcement to Join DACA Lawsuit

In a bill already on its' second reading, NJ Democratic lawmakers propose permitting a candidate for or holder of a public office to use campaign funds for child care expenses inside and outside of the home, as well as in a child care facility.

Senator M. Teresa Ruiz (D-29) this afternoon issued the following statement on Governor Phil Murphy’s announcement that New Jersey will join 15 states and the District of Columbia in the lawsuit seeking to protect recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program created by President Obama in 2012.

“The situation faced by 22,000 Dreamers in the state who are now under the threat of losing their status and of deportation because of the cruel actions of this president, and the inaction of Congress, is deplorable. These are young people who contribute immensely to the success of this state and to our country, and are in this position through no fault of their own. They deserve protection. 

“I am gratified that New Jersey will join the states that are taking legal action in the fight to protect Dreamers, and thank Governor Murphy and Attorney General Grewal for their work on this important issue. I stand committed to working with the administration, my colleagues and our congressional delegation in the effort to renew DACA and provide these young people with the ability to continue living in the only home they know.”

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