Ruiz to Latinas After Trump’s Hate-Filled Rally: ‘Vote Harris. Our Lives Depend on it.’


State Senate Majority Leader M. Teresa Ruiz (D-29) has a response for Tony Hinchcliffe, Donald Trump’s warmup act at Madison Square Garden, who last night referred to Puerto Rico as a “floating island of garbage.”

Tweeted Ruiz: “Clearly you never consulted Webster’s Dictionary for the definition of trash. In case you can’t read look in a mirror. Despierta Latinas… It will only get worse. Vote Kamala Harris because nuestras vidas depend on it.”

A veteran lawmaker, Ruiz first won her senate seat in 2007 and steadily worked her way up through the ranks, building a reputation as a no-nonsense children’s advocate as chair of the Senate Education Committee prior to become majority leader.

Ruiz routinely educates on the disparities in public education in New Jersey.

For a FULL condemnation by the Latino Caucus of Hinchcliffe’s remark, please go HERE.

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