Ruiz to Make Announcement on Reproductive Rights

Today, Senate Majority Leader M. Teresa Ruiz will introduce “The Reproductive Freedom and Health Equity Bill Package," a comprehensive legislative package that safeguards reproductive and bodily autonomy rights in New Jersey.

Senate President Nick Scutari and Senator Shirley Turner will join Senator Ruiz in support of the announcement.

Several advocacy organizations will provide remarks, including:

·        American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of New Jersey

·        Garden State Equality

·        Planned Parenthood Action Fund of New Jersey

·        The Cherry Hill Women’s Center

·        National Council of Jewish Women - Essex County

Additional organizations attending the announcement include:

·        League of Women Voters

·        Latino Action Network Foundation

·        NJ Family Planning League



Previous comments for: Ruiz to Make Announcement on Reproductive Rights

  1. BetsyRoss1776 says:

    Bodily autonomy meaning : the right to make decisions about your own body, life, and future without coercion or violence. It includes deciding whether or not to have sex, use contraception, or go to the doctor. Reproductive rights : include prenatal services, safe childbirth, and access to contraception. They also include access to legal and safe abortion. But, what is happening in politics is the word abortion is being used to mean all reproductive rights. It is a big play on words. So you get outrage from both side of the aisle. The Democrats scream , "My body my choice" and the Republicans scream, "Murder." Yet, it is totally reasonable that a Republican could be pro-choice. This is not just a Democrat issue. The pressing abortion (not reproductive rights) question for all parties is: How far is too far ? When does it cross the line? Most politicians avoid this like the plague or have some poll tested canned answer to get them off the hook. The Supreme Court held that the Constitution of the United States does not confer a right to abortion. Therefore it was sent back to the states for its' people to decide. The Supreme Court did rule in favor of access to the abortion pill. The ruling was written by Judge Brett Kavanaugh. The President of Planned Parenthood, the nation's leading provider and advocate of high-quality sexual and reproductive health, stated that despite bans the number of abortions in the United States has increased post-Dobbs. My personal opinion is abortion is a very personal and has no place in politics and should not be used to gain brownie points, accolades or votes or used to mean all reproductive rights. It should not be gaslighted by any person or political platform. I hope both presidential candidates address the topic of abortion with deep respect for the voters in the upcoming presidential debates. And can the canned answers.

  2. Phyllis Knighten says:

    Thank you Senators Ruiz, Scutari and Turner for protecting women's healthcare in NJ.

  3. Loretta Weinberg says:

    Anything the state of New Jersey can do to continue guaranteeing women’s access to all the healthcare they need is appropriate. Thank you, Senator Ruiz for continuing to step up to protect women and their families.

  4. Thomas Jefferson says:

    Democrats definition of abortion: REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS!?!?!?!? Real definition of abortion: MURDER !!!!!!!!!!

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