Rullo Won't participate in Bergen Screening or Convention

Republican gubernatorial candidate Joseph Rullo won't screen in front of the Bergen GOP this evening.
He doesn't plan to go to the convention either.
"I'm not going to participate in the Bergen screening and convention," Rullo told InsiderNJ. "I want to send a message to Bergen County voters that I'm the outsider Republican candidate. I believe the Republican organization is divided and want to stay neutral. I believe Bergen County is key to general election and staying neutral will help unite both sides in November."
I don't understand the logic of someone wanting to run as a Republican, but not getting their names out at the County Conventions .. it's free publicity for someone with little name recognition if someone wants to be considered a serious candidate. I don't see any ELEC report filed, so where's the money going to come from?
Not enough Rullobots in Bergen County, I guess.