Rutgers Newark Dems Political Director: Why I Back John Currie for State Party Chair

I have been a supporter of Chairman John Currie since I first became involved in New Jersey politics. I have personally supported Chairman Currie since I had the honor of being elected to the Sussex County Democratic Committee and took on the responsibility of representing the Democrats of Hampton Townships first district. Chairman John Currie is the most qualified for the position of Chairman and the clear choice for the position due to his years of successful and progressive leadership.

I am writing this today not only as a Committee member from Sussex County but also as the Political Director of the College Democrats of Rutgers University Newark. My organization echoes my resounding support for Chairman Currie and we are proud to Endorse him for re-election to his position as Chairman of the New Jersey State Democratic Committee. Chairman Currie has led the State with great success in the past 2 years; from getting the States most progressive Governor elected after years of Republican control, to overseeing the successful election of four new and promising Democrats to the United States Congress. These races were not easy undertakings and required the kind of political talent that only Chairman Currie could bring to the table.

The Democratic party has much work still to do to make the Garden State the place we all know it can be. With the effective leadership of Chairman John Currie as well as the hard work and determination of the proud Democrats all throughout New Jersey, our dreams of a progressive NJ are on the Horizon.

James Santonastaso

College Democrats of Rutgers Newark

Sussex County Democratic Committee member

Proud Democrat

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