Budget Chairs Sarlo And Pintor Marin Announce Public Budget Hearing Dates

Senate Budget Committee Chairman Sarlo and Assembly Budget Committee Chairwoman Pintor Marin announced the dates for public hearings on Governor Murphy's FY2021 budget proposal, to be held on several dates throughout March.
“This will be the start of the Legislature’s work on a state budget that provides vital services in a fiscally responsible way,” said Senator Sarlo. “This year I will have the Committee take a deep dive into the programs and services of the departments of state government to get a full accounting of the finances that support them.
“It will be a ‘structural review’ that goes beyond the traditional focus that was primarily limited to new programs and spending increases for existing ones. We want to make effective investments to expand economic opportunities and address the needs of the state’s residents at the same time we eliminate wasteful spending.”
The public hearings to start the Legislature’s work on the state spending plan will be held at the New Jersey Institute of Technology in Newark on March 10th and at Rowan University in Glassboro on March 12th.
- PUBLIC HEARING – Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 10:00 a.m. at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, Campus Center Atrium, 150 Bleeker Street, Newark, New Jersey 07102
- PUBLIC HEARING – Thursday, March 12, 2020, 10:00 a.m. at Rowan University, Rohrer College of Business, Business Hall, 271 Mullica Hill Road, Glassboro, New Jersey 08028.
The budget committee’s hearings on individual departments of state government and the presentations of state revenues and economic conditions by the Office of Legislative Services and the New Jersey Treasurer will be scheduled after the public hearings are completed, Senator Sarlo said.
Pintor Marin also announced two public hearings on the Governor’s Fiscal Year 2021 State Budget proposal.
The public hearings represent the beginning of the Legislature’s work on the budget plan. The first hearing will be held in Committee Room 11 in the State House Annex on Wednesday, March 18th starting at 9:30 a.m. The second hearing will take place in the same location with the same start time on Wednesday, March 25th.
“The public hearings on the Governor’s spending plan proposal are critically important for our committee,” said Pintor Marin (D-Essex). “The hearings give us the opportunity to gather information regarding what is important to members of the general public as well as advocacy groups and others who are impacted by the State Budget.”
“The testimony presented at the public hearings informs our committee regarding the priorities of the general public,” said Pintor Marin. “This information helps greatly as the Legislature works to craft a fair and responsible budget that meets the needs of all New Jersey families.”
Those wishing to testify may register online at www.njleg.state.nj.us and click BUDGET PUBLIC HEARINGS: Online Registration or call the Legislative Budget and Finance office at (609) 847-3105 to register by phone. Those presenting written testimony are asked to provide 20 copies on the day of the hearing.
Upon completion of the public hearings, the Assembly Budget Committee will schedule further hearings with individual departments of State government, which will include presentations of State revenues by the Office of Legislative Services and the State Treasurer.