Sayegh Noticeably Suburbanizes Ahead of Legislative Elections

Sayegh ahead of the rain.

Like GI Joe soldiers set up in the den of New Jersey, politicians expected to seek higher office appear with greater frequency in the vicinity of Nov. 7th Election Day.

Steven Fulop.

Ras Baraka.

Andy Kim.

Tammy Murphy.

In addition, Paterson Mayor Andre Saeygh permeates with greater frequency into the suburban environs around Silk City.

Described as “capable of charging the environment with a certain electricity,” Sayegh radiates a decided prime time Pascrell-like vibe.

His presence has insiders chattering about the possibility of generational shift come 2024, as the legendary regional U.S. Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-9) eyes – albeit improbably, given his history – retirement.

An avid shoe leather-style campaigner going back to his days on the school board and as a 6th Ward councilman in some tough fights in Paterson (not to mention soldiering in Pascrell’s army) Sayegh relishes door-to-door politics.

In a low turnout election year marked mostly by moribund local atmospherics charged with international horrors, Sayegh has super-charged friendly Democrat written all over him.

His increasing footprint naturally upticks districtwide speculation, even as Paterson has its own school board dramas this cycle, and other names circulate as possible Pascrell successors, among them Assemblywoman Shavonda Sumter, Assemblyman Benjie Wimberly, and state Senator Nellie Pou.

And that’s just in Passaic.

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