Sayonara to the Worst Governor in New Jersey History

Insider NJ presents the week's winners and losers in New Jersey's political news during a week of intensified personal attacks between Democrats.

CHRISTIE…. “You promised us Heaven then put us through hell.”

From those similar words in a Bon Jovi song to the letter he penned to our members on the “sacred trust” of our pensions, eight years of what undoubtedly will be remembered as the worst Governorship in NJ history, is finally coming to an end.

His disingenuous tenure started in 2009 with a promise to our members that “your pension and benefits will be protected when I am elected Governor.” He not only broke this promise by changing the rules, he almost immediately began breaking the rules he created. While many bought into his sound bites on how he tackled pension reform; his "landmark pension reform" caused New Jersey twelve credit downgrades. He failed, and he owns those twelve credit downgrades and failed policy decisions.

The Chris Christie mantra throughout his two terms as Governor has been “do it my way or hit the highway”. I learned, from an early age, that leaders with that type of demeanor are a recipe for disaster. Instead of bringing the stakeholders to the table to solve problems and work on issues together, he chose to alienate us. In short, doing it his way has crippled New Jersey, impeded progress and limited opportunities for eight years. If you don’t believe me or think I’m just an angered mouthpiece for my Union; you are wrong. While our members have been vilified for eight years and have every reason to be angry, it also shows the majority of New Jersey is angry when a sitting Governor has a 14% approval rating.

Now as he runs out the clock in his final term, the question becomes; “What does the Republican Party have to show after his eight years at the helm?” Politically, the Republican Party has never been in worse shape. The results of the November 7th election are all the evidence one needs to see that those who blindly followed Chris Christie suffered at the polls. I can attest that we worked in a bi-partisan fashion with the legislature on a number of common sense, good legislation only to have it vetoed when it reached Christie's desk. His use of the veto pen reflected what he thought was best for his failed Presidential campaign, not what would have put New Jersey back on track for success. Chris Christie failed New Jersey and he failed his party. His administration started with lies. A strategy of deception followed him throughout his terms, and his political career will end as a legacy to all that is wrong in politics.

As I write this, I, a Firefighter, not only speak for the thousands of first responders in NJ who have been made public enemy number one from this Governor, I also call to mind and speak out for the NJ school teacher who was lambasted by this Governor at a campaign stop, or for the US Navy seal who this Governor disrespected and attempted to silence at a town hall meeting. The 76-year-old female New Jersey State Senator whom he threatened to "take a bat to", and the young female voter in New Hampshire who was chastised for asking a simple question when given the opportunity. Not to mention the thousands of NJ residents and visitors inconvenienced and placed into harm’s way by this Governor’s administration that chose to shut a major bridge down in New Jersey over politics.

Despite all this, New Jersey is bigger than Chris Christie. His failed leadership and his bully platform are not what New Jersey stands for or represents. We are a diverse and welcoming State made of all kinds. We no longer have the time for the childish name calling or vilification of the those that choose to serve our communities.

Our members realize that New Jersey is proud and thankful of our Firefighters, Police Officers and EMTs who protect the front lines of our State every day. We share the pride of sending our children to public schools and are grateful for the efforts so many teachers put into making sure each and every student gets the top-class education they deserve. We appreciate the men and women working to keep our streets clean, our city halls and State buildings up and running and our roads and highways clean and safe.

The next chapter in our States history begins next year. Let’s help to write a new chapter filled with transparency and big boy leadership. We need policy making that strengthens our State and moves it forward. The Firefighters, EMTs and Dispatchers I have the honor of representing deserve it. New Jersey deserves it.

Ed Donnelly President NJ Firefighters Mutual Benevolent Association

Previous comments for: Sayonara to the Worst Governor in New Jersey History

  1. William Faunce says:

    Born and raised in south jersey. Jersey has taxed out the average person between rent, insurance and taxes and home to 3 of the USA most toxic dumps . From being the garden state to now the condominium state. But on the Brite side I got out of there. With all the ailments my joke was It's in the Water .just don't drink it you might live longer.

  2. Joe Sarno says:

    He's the worst governor because he took on your union and reigned in skyrocketing salaries with the 2% cap - Kudos to the Gov for doing so

  3. Jonathan Shutman says:

    And of course, a Donald Trump supporter and admirer.

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