Schaffer Does an Endzone Dance after Harris/Trump Debate

Somerset County Democratic Committee Chair Peg Schaffer, who also serves as vice chair of the NJ Democratic Party, told InsiderNJ that Kamala Harris cleaned Donald Trump's clock in the debate on Tuesday night.
"She kicked his ass, she baited him, and he took the bait every time," said Schaffer, a veteran Democratic Party leader.
"He was so intimidated by her and her brilliance that Republicans had to resort to making up stories about why he got schooled," added the party chair.
As a lawyer, Schaffer said Harries' prosecutorial performance - and specifically her level of preparation - impressed her.
Where is the job creation you say??? China??? Mexico??? Where is the new manufacturing??? China??? Mexico???? Don't see job creation or new manufacturing here. In fact the DOL statistics show that job creation is nothing more than those returning to work after being out due to the pandemic. Manufacturing??? What industry(ies) are you talking about??? Don't say EV industry. Ford and GM lost over $5 BILLION each year for the past 2 years on EVs. Toyota shut down its EV production lines. What other manufacturing are you talking about????? We have the best economy and lowest inflation of all western nations???? Not true when you consider the massive inflation we have. Trying to say we have the lowest inflation rate is a lie. Inflation is well over 20% and compounds on itself every month. Most of the western world has higher inflation than we do, and they've had it for a long time. Italy's inflation rate has been between 20-30% for decades. And, their unemployment is approaching 50% (based on first-hand knowledge of people living there). I guess you've bought into the Democrat-Communist propaganda Kool-Aid that they've been living on the coat tails of Donald Trump's economy. What do you think kept us out of a recession or another depression??? Trump's economy was running at over 4-5% when the pandemic hit. Because of that, it kept running until Harris and Biden spent TRILLIONS and put us into a high inflationary economy bordering on recession. You can't spend your way out of inflation or a bad economy. Just look at all the countries with massive inflation. Zimbabwe had 1000% inflation and were printing 100 Quadrillion Zimbabwe dollar bills. Just like Germany before the Nazis took over. It took a wheelbarrow full of Deutschmarks to buy a loaf of bread. But I digress. You're a Democrat-Leftist-Communist that's bought into the Harris campaign gaslighting and projection.
Are we better off now? Anyone who has followed the news closely, knows the answer and doesn’t need Kamila to repeat it: The best job creation in Decades, New manufacturing springing up in many places With credit for it being taken by Republicans who all voted against the infrastructure bill. The best economy of all the western nations, The lowest inflation rate now of all the western nations. Where we are not better off is in the number of young people killed by guns, The number of children food deprived because the Republicans kill the aid that was given for the two years that the Democrats held the house. I know whom I’m voting for.
Polls still show that Trump is well ahead in ALL battleground states and on the issues. Polls show Trump ahead of Kamala on the ECONOMY by 13 points. The No. 1 major issue for voters--IT'S THE ECONOMY, STUPID!!!!!!! The No. 2 major for voters is ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. Trump leads Kabala Harris by double-digits. Harris lied 21 times. No fact checks. Harris never answered any of the main questions asked. She was NEVER questioned on it. Trump had to correct the moderators and Harris. It was 3 against 1. He had to go and correct all 3 of the evildoers. Now, we should have another debate with FOX and Hannity or Jesse Waters as moderators, or NEWSMAX with Carl Higbee and Rob Schmitt as Moderators.
All you have to do is think about the mess 45 left and there is no other choice but... HARRIS WALZ 2024. My hope is for all the people who think it's so awful here to go live in Hungary or Russia...
LOL! She dogged, lied, and misrepresented many times during the debate. She was asked, "Are we better off now than 4 years ago?" Never answered!