Scharfenberger Requests Salary Be Withheld Until Constituent UE Claims Processed

Today, in a letter to New Jersey State Treasurer Elizabeth Maher Muoio, Assemblyman Gerry Scharfenberger requested that his state salary be withheld until all unemployment claims in his district are fulfilled in the midst of the economic downturn caused by COVID-19.
“My staff and I have been working seven days a week yielding countless phone calls and emails from residents who have lost either all or part of their income due to this public health crisis,” said Assemblyman Gerry Scharfenberger. “They have sought state unemployment insurance, calling on a daily basis only to be told to be patient and they may have to wait another 4 to 6 weeks. This is unacceptable and as leaders in this State, we cannot allow families to struggle to meet the basic necessities of life. We must show that we stand with them, especially in these hard times.”
“With that I ask that you withhold my salary, effective April 20th, 2020, until every one of my constituents’ state unemployment claims has been fulfilled,” said Scharfenberger. “ I cannot, in good conscience, continue to accept a salary while these issues remain unresolved and my constituents struggle through no fault of their own.”
Members of the New Jersey Senate and General Assembly receive an annual base salary of
$49,000 per year.
[pdf-embedder url="" title="Letter to The Honorable Maher Muoio from Asm Scharfenberger_April 2020"]
Such blatant grandstanding as if legislators are the ones who are processing unemployment claims or writing checks. Assemblyman Scharfenberger should be the recipient of an unemployment check for stunts like this.