Schepisi: No Accountability for Democrats’ Manufactured Migrant Crisis


Senator Holly Schepisi (R-39) issued the following statement criticizing Governor Murphy and Democrats for failing to put New Jerseyans ahead of illegal immigrants as New York City’s migrant crisis poses larger problems for the Garden State.

“We are witnessing the result of Biden’s inaction on the southern border spill into sanctuary states like New Jersey where Democrat governors like Phil Murphy have put headlines over good policy. The Murphy administration has taken no accountability for consistently putting undocumented migrants ahead of caring for our vulnerable New Jerseyans. Now we know some undocumented people are staying in New Jersey and Democrats continue to provide those flooding across the border with taxpayer handouts and sanctuary protections.

"This was a recipe for disaster from the start and now that the crisis is in our backyard, even Democrats are admitting we do not have the infrastructure to deal with the problem. We must ensure that we’re taking care of New Jerseyans. There are too many issues like affordability, being first in the nation for unemployment, and affordable housing that we must solve. We cannot afford to overwhelm our already overburdened State by taking on New York’s growing migrant crisis.”

Previous comments for: Schepisi: No Accountability for Democrats’ Manufactured Migrant Crisis

  1. Carol Cicerelle says:

    If Joe Biden did not open the border, this would not be going on. Republican or Democrat would not have to be dealing with this! Put the blame where it belongs!!!!!! Further, it was NY and NJ governors that claimed they were "Sanctuary States". No one forced their hands to declare this. You want to be a sanctuary state, this is what you should have expected! A little common sense goes a long way!!

  2. Michael Schnackenberg says:

    Why doesn't someone explain to this twat Schepisi that it's a REPUBLICAN governor in Texass who is guilty of human trafficking by sending these immigrants to other states against their will and with no notice to the other states? Greg Abbott and his wheelchair should be thrown in prison.

  3. Eric Lewis says:

    Republicans borrow and spend, Democrats tax and spend, you don't have to be an economist to know which way costs more and will run up the deficit and national debt. I remember when Holly Schepisi was a guest on NJN's On the Record with Michael Aron, she told of the shock, yes the shock of the surprise billing of patients after taking a relative to the ER. Imagine that, a NJ legislator, an attorney, a presumed person of intelligence totally mystified by a problem going back 20 years. From that day on I referred to her as the Blond Smile and now she wants to weigh in on a problem going back 40, 50, 70 years and ignore the failure of both parties to come up with a sensible solution. I have known some folks from SE Asia that speak splendid English, have very marketable work skills and have gone through the legal processes and have waited for the legal process to let them come to the US. Many of the countries in S. America are in terrible straits due to US foreign policy or the demand for drugs. Perhaps a multipronged effort including fixing what US policy has ruined in SA, a filtering process for needed skillsets and dealing with the drug cartels and gangs which are driving these people north. But let us listen to what the Blond Smile thinks, the new hair color doesn't make you smarter.


    Rob Young: Mz Corrado has a history of capricious holds. Thomas Jefferson: they said you was dead?

  5. Thomas Jefferson says:

    Republican governors wouldn't have to "smuggle migrants on unmarked buses without notice" if the Democrats did their jobs from the "get-go" and closed off the borders to illegal immigrants and terrorists. So far, these illegals are costing the U.S. over $400 BILLION annually in wasted taxpayers' monies that could be used for our own poor and veterans. Texas has spent over $10 BILLION DOLLARS to support illegals and they can't afford it, since China Joe Biden is not supplementing them with Federal dollars. New Jersey, claiming to be a sanctuary state, is spending $4 BILLION DOLLARS ANNUALLY on illegals for free healthcare, free education, free housing, free food stamps, free welfare, free legal services, etc. And, the Democrats wonder why they can't afford to pay for legal aid for everyone else, why housing prices are tanking, why taxes are going up, why the New Jersey producing class is leaving the state and has turned N.J. into the No. 1 state for people leaving for other low tax states and liberty freedom states. Anyone blaming the republicans for shipping illegals out of their states to states such as NJ, that claim they are "sanctuary states", needs to get their heads out of their nether regions and use their brains once in a while.

  6. Bob Young says:

    Isn't Senator Schepisi the one who held up a juducial appointment for around 18 months for kicks? Heck maybe there was a reason.


    Fed-up Eric Adams sues bus companies for $700M to cover cost for over 33K migrants hauled to NYC


    Hey wait a minute here? A Republican Governor smuggles migrants on unmarked buses without notice and it’s the Dems fault?

  9. Betsy Parris says:

    Borders are there for a reason. Government should give we the ppl the right to vote on such an expensive issue as the support of illegals into our country. This country does not belong to the sanctuary governors. It is our country. Meaning we are per usual footing the bill.

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