The Scope of Caddle’s Range has Political World on Edge


As the political world awaits details of what insiders suspect Sean Caddle revealed to feds, sources debate the scope of what he knows, or says, and wonder which of the stratospheres he worked in will most captivate prosecutors.

This week, Union sources noted with interest the fact that the Elizabeth Board of Education retained powerful defense attorney Michael Critchley to handle a state attorney general’s inquiry three years ago.

Caddle worked on campaigns to displace the old BOE to install a majority friendly to the Union County Democratic establishment. In that capacity, he had contact with significant players deep in the firmament of power, among them Tony Teixeira, who served as the chief of staff for former state Senator Ray Lesniak (D-20) and later for Senate President Nick Scutari (D-22), himself the subject of an investigation into his job as the Linden prosecutor.

To be clear, the AG’s investigation of the BOE, supposedly involving contracts and conceivably connections between the PAC and the board, went nowhere. But the number of zigzagging flashpoints already poking around the county has sources bug-eyed with expectation as Caddle sits in the comfort of his home cooperating with the feds.

Again, no one’s saying Caddle coughs anyone up or even can in these circles. An investigation doesn’t mean much in New Jersey, and often only that one has political enemies.

And while Union sources are on overload with theories, “The deal they’re giving Caddle is bigger than Union County,” a source snapped.

In that regard, beyond those local connections in and around the port city of Elizabeth, sources see the potential in the Caddle case for larger targeting dimensions.

Those fast accelerating speculations include parallels between the Michael Galdieri murder, engineered by Caddle, and the unresolved violent deaths of John and Joyce Sheridan.

Mark Sheridan, son of John and Joyce Sheridan, sees those parallels, and wants law enforcement to drill down on them, particularly in the case of a knife recovered in the car of one of Galdieri’s killers soon after the deaths of his parents.

Sheridan was deep into New Jersey politics.

Then there are those sources who see possibility beyond the swamps of their backyards, as others speculate that the Caddle case will lead to the Philadelphia mafia, given the backgrounds of some of the people involved in Galdieri’s murder, and given the fact that Eddie Jacobs, Caddle’s lawyer, defended Joey Merlino, a mob hitman.

“It’s all of them,” a source, overwhelmed, gurgled to InsiderNJ, apparently referring to local dynamics, the Sheirdans, and the Philly mob. “It’s all of them, and everything. Everything at once.”

That’s one theory, anyway.

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