Scutari and Coughlin Counter Litigation Restraining Firearms Carry Bill


Attorneys on Wednesday filed a Motion to Intervene in the litigation temporarily restraining significant portions of the firearms carry bill on behalf of the Senate President and Speaker.

The legislature moved to enact the Chapter 131 in response to the federal Bruen Decision, which struck down a New York statute that required a demonstration of "proper cause" in order to obtain a permit to carry a handgun.

Because New Jersey's long prevailing firearms law had previously required a justifiable need to carry a handgun, the legislature enacted Chapter 131 to satisfy the new standard enunciated by Bruen.

That spawned backlash.


"A federal judge has granted gun rights groups a victory by approving a temporary restraining order against the Murphy administration's plan to limit guns in public places.

"The lawsuit — the second filed in three weeks — challenged the constitutionality of a gun law Gov. Phil Murphy signed on Dec. 22.

"The order will temporarily halt the implementation of the “sensitive places” aspect of the gun safety law, which bans firearms in an expansive list of locations, including schools, restaurants, libraries and zoos. This remains in effect pending a hearing."

Hence, Wednesday intervention by lawyers representing Scutari and Coughlin.

On February 21, 2023 or on such Short Notice as the Court may allow, Intervenors-Applicants, Nicholas P. Scutari, New Jersey Senate President, and Craig J. Coughlin, Speaker of the New Jersey General Assembly, by and through their counsel Cullen and Dykman LLP, and Kologi  Simitz, shall move before the Hon. Renee Marie Bumb, U.S.D.J., at the United Stated District Court for the District of New Jersey.

(See below)

[pdf-embedder url="" title="Motion to Intervene filed 1-24-2023"]

Previous comments for: Scutari and Coughlin Counter Litigation Restraining Firearms Carry Bill

  1. S Weingarten says:

    This article is HIGHLY misleading. "Because New Jersey’s long prevailing firearms law had previously required a justifiable need to carry a handgun, the legislature enacted Chapter 131 to satisfy the new standard enunciated by Bruen." This is simply NOT true. If the legislature's goal was to make NJ law compliant with the Bruen decision all they had to do was remove a single line from the law prior to December 22. Instead, they completely rewrote the statute to make the licensed carrying of a firearm nearly impossible in the State of NJ. Any violation of a sensitive place location by a permit holder was an indictable crime (Felony). They made sensitive locations so expansive that is impossible for any law-abiding citizen to protect themselves without risk of going to prison. Imagine turning a first-time DWI offender who blows a .08 into a felon, seizing their vehicle, permanently revoking their driver's license nationwide and fining them $10,000.

  2. James Gronbach says:

    As usually the Democrats never go after criminals or enforce the laws on the books to lock up criminals. If the people in this State don’t change Trenton things will never change.

  3. Victor Wnorowski says:

    Why is the state so afraid of law abiding residents and nonresidents being able to express their rights under our constitution, and refuse to follow their oath to the same, yet I am supposed to meekly follow their idiotic rules. Do as I say, not as I do, not on my watch , let the politicians put away their armed security, then, mayb, so will I.

  4. Rick Yannelli says:

    By the time these Dems get done you might as well rip up your right to carry licenses because it will be useless the best one yet is you can’t carry in a car so just hand over the keys for something you worked hard for to a pos carjacker. Or better yet your having diner in a restaurant and someone pos comes in and terrorizes everybody but your helpless cause your gun had to be locked up in your car. Real smart Gov we have


    The notion that society cannot protect itself from gun the sort of gun violence we witness on a daily basis is unacceptable.

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