Scutari Names Codey, Beach, Greenstein, Gopal to Senate Leadership

TRENTON – Senate President Nicholas Scutari today announced the selection of Senator Richard Codey to serve as Deputy Senate President Pro Tempore. He also announced Senators James Beach and Linda Greenstein will continue to serve as Assistant Majority Leaders and Senator Vin Gopal will continue to serve as Democratic Conference Chair.
Already named to leadership were Senator M. Teresa Ruiz who, as Senate Majority Leader, will be the highest ranking Latina in the history of the New Jersey Legislature; Senator Sandra Cunningham, who was selected to serve as Senate President Pro Tempore; Senator Nellie Pou, who will serve as Senate Majority Caucus Chair; Senator Paul Sarlo, who will serve as Deputy Majority Leader and Senator Troy Singleton, who will serve as Majority Whip.
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