The newly-elected members of the Senate Democratic Majority voted to have Senate President Scutari and Senate Majority Leader Ruiz continue in the top Senate roles they first assumed for the 2022-23 legislative session.
“I am honored to have the support of my colleagues in the Senate Democratic Majority to continue to serve as Senate President, including the new members who will join the caucus,” said Senator Scutari (D-Union/Middlesex/Somerset). “The successful election will provide additional momentum for Senate Democrats to build on the progress we have made on key issues. I look forward to working with Majority Leader Ruiz, the Democratic caucus and other state leaders to continue to move the state forward.”
First elected to the Senate in 2004, Senator Scutari served as Majority Whip from 2020 to 2022 and as Deputy Majority Leader in the 2018-2019 legislative session. He chaired the powerful Senate Judiciary Committee for 12 years, and served as a member of the Senate Commerce Committee.
“First and foremost, thank you to the residents around New Jersey who came out to support me and my colleagues in this year's elections. I am grateful to our caucus members for again electing me Senate Majority Leader for the upcoming legislative session,” said Senator Ruiz (D-Essex). “Together with Senate President Scutari and the entire Democratic Caucus we are ready to get to work creating policies and improving government services for everyone who calls New Jersey home.”
Senator Ruiz, who is the highest-ranking Latina in the history of the New Jersey Legislature, was first elected to the Senate in 2008, and served as Senate President Pro Tempore from 2018 to 2022 and as Assistant Majority Leader from 2010 to 2017. She was chair of the Senate Education Committee from 2010 to 2022 and a member of the Senate Budget Committee. Senator Ruiz made history as New Jersey’s first Latina to serve as Senate Majority Leader when she was first elected to the post.
The full Senate will officially vote for Senate President in January when the Legislature convenes for the new session.
Previous comments for: Scutari Reelected Senate President
Scutari as Senate President, again??? I guess the corruption will continue in the NJ Legislature where Scutari bypasses legislative rules, willfully refuses to notice the public of timely hearings, willfully refuses to even have hearings on legislation and just rams it through committees on to the Senate floor where the Democrat-Communists control the entire Legislature, Executive Branch, and pretty much the Courts.
No, New Jersey is another failed socialist-communist state similar to Eastern Europe under the former Soviet U.S.S.R. control. And, Scutari is head of the New Jersey Soviet Politburo in Trenton.
Scutari as Senate President, again??? I guess the corruption will continue in the NJ Legislature where Scutari bypasses legislative rules, willfully refuses to notice the public of timely hearings, willfully refuses to even have hearings on legislation and just rams it through committees on to the Senate floor where the Democrat-Communists control the entire Legislature, Executive Branch, and pretty much the Courts. No, New Jersey is another failed socialist-communist state similar to Eastern Europe under the former Soviet U.S.S.R. control. And, Scutari is head of the New Jersey Soviet Politburo in Trenton.