Search Underway in New Hampshire for Missing Ocean County Sierra Club Chair

Ocean County Sierra Club Chair Greg Auriemma is missing in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, according to a statement released by the NJ Sierra Club. A long-time active member of the club, Auriemma was last seen on June 24th and there is currently an active search underway in New Hampshire aided by his brother and the NH Fish and Game and NH Outdoors Council.
“We’re very troubled and concerned about Greg being missing for so long," said Jeff Tittel, who runs the New Jersey Sierra Club. "The New Jersey Sierra Club is asking for anyone to join the search, especially experienced hikers in the area. If anyone has any information, please contact the New Hampshire Fish and Game or New Hampshire State Police. We have also reached out to the local Sierra Club in New Hampshire to help in the search. Greg was hiking in the Crawford Notch area of the White Mountain National Forest. He was also at the base camp in Conway, NH. He was hiking in a place he loved and had been looking forward to this trip for months.
“Greg Auriemma is a long-time Sierra Club member and volunteer, Tittel added. "He has worked tirelessly for the club on so many issues, especially those around coastal areas. Greg helped restart the Ocean County Group close to 20 years ago. As chair of the Ocean County group, Greg has worked tirelessly on ocean issues while building the group into one of the strongest in the state. He has tackled many important issues from overdevelopment in Ocean County, to the Climate March in D.C. to protecting Barnegat Bay. Whether it’s trying to preserve land for open space, organizing beach clean-ups, or stopping a massive sprawl development, you could always find Greg at the meetings. He is a big advocate for the oceans and marine issues as well as an avid hiker. He’s also been very active in politics and enjoyed getting involved in campaigns."
If anyone has any information or would like to help in the search please contact the New Hampshire Fish and Game at (603) 271-3361."