Seeking Town Hall Forum with Congresswoman-elect, NJ 11th for Change Fire off a Letter to Sherrill

NJ 11th for Change today sent a letter to Congresswoman-Elect Mikie Sherrill requesting that she hold a Town Hall as soon as practicable before year end or early in the new year following her inauguration.
Sherrill repeatedly committed during her campaign to hold regular Town Hall meetings so that constituents could voice their concerns and ask questions, NJ 11th for Change Executive Director Saily Avelenda noted in a release. As the Congresswoman-Elect begins to make decisions regarding caucuses and coalitions to join and support, the people of NJ-11 "are eager to hear her reasoning for these decisions, as well as her plans for turning her campaign promises into actionable policies that directly improve the lives of constituents in her district."
“We enthusiastically endorsed Mikie Sherrill because she ran a transparent and responsive campaign, and because she voiced positions on issues like women’s rights, healthcare, infrastructure and taxes that align with the values of our district. As Ms. Sherrill gets ready to begin the job we hired her to do, we are eager to ask her how she plans to translate those campaign positions into policy and develop a voting record that reflects the needs and concerns of her constituents,” said Avelenda.
“After years of frustrating stonewalling and unwillingness to engage from our current Congressman, we look forward to Ms. Sherrill’s honoring her repeated commitment to hold regular Town Hall meetings and be otherwise responsive to her constituents and the issues they elected her to address,” said Elizabeth Juviler, Political Director of NJ 11th for Change.
A copy of NJ 11th for Change’s letter is below.
Dear Ms. Sherrill,
On behalf of the members of NJ 11th for Change, and all the constituents of New Jersey’s 11th Congressional District, we are writing to request that you schedule a public Town Hall meeting as soon as practicable before year end or early in the new year.
People of this district are excited for the change you will bring to our representation in Washington, D.C. and are eager to hear how you will begin to implement your campaign promises. We see with interest that you are making decisions already about the caucuses and coalitions that you will join. We want to hear your reasons behind these decisions, and how they will further your ability to represent NJ-11 and our interests.
As you know, for far too long, Congressman Frelinghuysen ignored his constituents’ requests for Town Halls and ignored the very people he was elected to represent. Your constituents are eager to finally have accessible and responsive representation in Washington, D.C., and we look forward to you honoring the promise you made during your campaign to hold regular Town Hall meetings.
We look forward to receiving your response.