Seen and heard at the Summer DNC meeting in Chicago:

Chairman John Currie and Vice Chair Lizette Delgado Polanco led the NJ DNC delegation to Chicago late last week. Attendees included lobbyist Tonio Burgos, Fairview Insurance’s John Graham, Essex County fundraising stalwart Marcia Marley, NJDSC Executive Director Liz Gilbert, Passaic County political guru Keith Furlong, consultant Adam Alonso, and lobbyist Jim Kehoe. Bernadette McPherson is said to have sent a proxy as she awaits the impending birth of her next grandbaby.
Sources tell InsiderNJ that DNC Chairman Tom Perez lobbied the NJ delegation for votes to support the reforms package suggested by the unity commission that ultimately passed the full body at Saturday’s general session. This included the controversial stripping of superdelegates first ballot voting rights during the presidential nominating process. This provision was seen as a major sticking point between the “Bernie” and “Hillary” factions that still exist within the party.
Also spotted: Rising star and Lambertville Mayoral candidate Julia Fahl seen making the rounds, and national consulting powerhouse, and former Jersey girl Jennifer Holdsworth seen holding court during the caucuses.