Senate-Contemplating Castro Ciattarelli Swats at Tammy Murphy

Melinda Castro Ciattarelli, who is currently testing the waters to gauge the viability of a run for US Senate, said today that “Murphy’s Senate campaign has shown itself to be the perfect example of New Jersey’s political buddy system.”
At issue are recently published reports highlighting bully tactics used to prevent an endorsement of Andy Kim by those associated with the campaign of Tammy Murphy.
Melinda Castro Ciattarelli said, “The reports prove my point, that what Ronald Reagan called ‘…the seat of a buddy system that functions for its own benefit…’ is alive and well in New Jersey. And, it operates on both sides of the political aisle.”
“The reports explain that college students were threatened with the loss of money for their organization and the students were told that making an endorsement could damage their careers.” Castro Ciattarelli added, “Mrs. Murphy should be ashamed of herself for allowing bullying to come from anyone associated with her campaign.”
Castro Ciattarelli continued, “The bullies who operate within the political buddy system have given us Bob Menendez, who allegedly took gold bars as a bribe. Let’s not forget Jim McGreevey who had to resign in disgrace after it was discovered he gave a man he had an affair with a job he was not qualified for. Now, McGreevey wants to be Mayor of Jersey City. Those in the political buddy system have no shame.”
“As I continue to weigh the pros and cons of jumping into a political campaign I am thankful to all who have reached out with encouraging words,” Castro Ciattarelli said. “Soon I will make my intentions known. No matter what, I will work to remove the bullies from our state politics because New Jerseyans deserve better.”
The article says: "Let’s not forget Jim McGreevey who had to resign in disgrace after it was discovered he gave a man he had an affair with a job he was not qualified for." McGreevey came out of the closet with the excuse he was gay to escape FBI investigations, and then went into the priesthood. I wonder what kind of "job" McGreevey gave the man he had an affair with.
Mayor McGreedy hahaha
So, Murphy is a buddy and on her husband's coattails. And even though Castro Cittarrelli is not a buddy, isn't she also on someone else's coattails, her husband's? What the difference? Hypocrisy knows no bounds.
“I will join the system on my husband’s coattails and behave like Phil and Tammy Murphy if my husband is elected. But, down with the buddy system!”