Senate Health Committee Releases Medical Marijuana Bills

Govenor Phil Murphy will privately sign a bill, fought for by Senator Joe Vitale for nearly 20 years, expanding the rights of sexual abuse victims. Vitale plans to hold a public ceremony to celebrate this landmark legislation.

Democrats today released Senate Bill 10 and Senate Bill 2426, the medical marijuana bills, from the Senate Health Committee.

S10 revises requirements to authorize and access medical marijuana; establishes requirements for institutional caregivers; revises permit requirements for alternative treatment centers; and establishes additional legal protections for patients and caregivers.

S2426 authorizes medical marijuana for treatment of any diagnosed condition; revises requirements for physicians to authorize qualifying patients; and revises requirements for alternative treatment center operations and permitting.


Previous comments for: Senate Health Committee Releases Medical Marijuana Bills

  1. Martha Bartha says:

    It's all Medicinal. That's why God gave it to us.

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