The Senate Voting Session Board List For Sunday Morning

The Assembly and Senate are in session today (watch the live stream here).
Here's the board list for today's Senate voting session:
SENATE SESSION 8:00 AM Senate Chambers
Voting Session:
A1100 [Downey, Joann/Houghtaling, Eric+1], Common Sense Shared Svcs Pilot Prog Act
A1753 [Quijano, Annette/Vainieri Huttle, Valerie+2], Hotel occupancy fee-impose sales tax
A2401 [Wimberly, Benjie E./Mukherji, Raj+2], Delta Sigma Theta lic. plate-Auth
A2747 [Houghtaling, Eric/Downey, Joann+10], Continuing care communities-concerns
A3088 [Jimenez, Angelica M./Dancer, Ronald S.+2], Earned Income Tax Cred.-incr.
A3438 [Karabinchak, Robert J./Coughlin, Craig J.+1], St. tax amnesty prog.-concerns
A3683 [Murphy, Carol A./McKnight, Angela V.+16], Healthcare worker-auth parking privilege
A3754 [McKnight, Angela V./Speight, Shanique+8], Hair braiding estab.-lic. exemp.
A3888 [Houghtaling, Eric/Downey, Joann+4], Alco. bev. lic.-allows issuance
A4061 [Chiaravalloti, Nicholas/Mukherji, Raj+1], Transp. svcs., cert.-impose fee
A4202 [Pintor Marin, Eliana/Sweeney, Stephen M.], Corp. bus. tax liab.-impose surtax
A4259 [Pintor Marin, Eliana/Calabrese, Clinton], Tickets-restructure sales law
A4261 [Burzichelli, John J./Moriarty, Paul D.+1], St sales and use tax-concerns collection
AJR137 [Pinkin, Nancy J.], Smart Irrigation Mo.-desig. July
S542 [Oroho, Steven V./Singleton, Troy], High Point St. Park-desig. Vet. St. Park
S731 [Greenstein, Linda R./Turner, Shirley K.], Low-speed elec bicycle-permits operation
S749 [Diegnan, Patrick J./Sarlo, Paul A.], Transient accommodation fee-impose tax
S786 [Sarlo, Paul A.+2], Unitary bus groups-file combined bus tax
S822 [Scutari, Nicholas P.], Multiple rental unit owners-insur policy
S1305 [Pennacchio, Joseph], Vet preference, civil svc hiring-concern
S1532 [Bateman, Christopher+1], Continuing care communities-concerns
S1586 [Gopal, Vin/Singleton, Troy+2], Common Sense Shared Svcs Pilot Prog Act
S1612 [Stack, Brian P./Gopal, Vin+4], Nursing home-estab aide-to-resid ratio
S1860 [Cruz-Perez, Nilsa/Gopal, Vin+1], Animal rescued from mv-immunity
S1963 [Diegnan, Patrick J./O'Scanlon, Declan J.+2], Asset forfeiture reporting-estab.
S2293 [Sweeney, Stephen M./Oroho, Steven V.+15], Securing Our Children's Future Bond Act
S2416 [Madden, Fred H./Vitale, Joseph F.+5], Healthcare worker-auth parking privilege
S2447 [Diegnan, Patrick J./Van Drew, Jeff+2], Securing Electronic Records Vet Ease Act
S2456 [Gopal, Vin/Oroho, Steven V.], Sch. safety specialist-desig.
S2498 [Gopal, Vin/Scutari, Nicholas P.], Alco. bev. lic.-allows issuance
S2510 [Madden, Fred H./Pennacchio, Joseph+1], Hair braiding estab.-lic. exemp.
S2618 [Cunningham, Sandra B.], Delta Sigma Theta lic. plate-Auth
S2740 [Beach, James/Cruz-Perez, Nilsa], Recalls used/new mv-notify buyers
S2783 [Sarlo, Paul A./Ruiz, M. Teresa], Tickets-restructure sales law
S2794 [Sweeney, Stephen M./Singleton, Troy], St sales and use tax-concerns collection
S2824 [Sarlo, Paul A.], St. approp. act FY2019-amends
SJR91 [Greenstein, Linda R.], Smart Irrigation Mo.-desig. July
SR90 [Stack, Brian P.], Fed assist.-oppose raising cert. rents
ASSEMBLY SESSION 8:00 AM Assembly Chambers
Voting Session: The Assembly will resume their 6/30/18 session.