Senator Brown will not Run for Reelection


A Desert storm combat veteran and judge who for nearly a decade in the legislature has radiated star power and independent judgment for the Republican Party, especially in South Jersey, state Senator Chris Brown (R-2) of Atlantic County issued the following statement today:

“I will not seek re-election to the State Senate," said Brown, first elected to the Assembly in 2011 and first elected to the Senate in 2017.

"It’s been an honor and a privilege to serve our Atlantic County families as their representative in the Legislature. These ten years have gone by in the blink of an eye," added Brown, a pro-labor Republican who today joined Senators Kip Bateman and Tom Kean as Republican state senators not seeking reelection this year.

"At a very young age, I learned life goes by much too quickly, and tomorrow is promised to no one," Brown said. "Knowing the pages in the Book of Life turn quickly, I believe each chapter should be an adventure. While this chapter of serving as a legislator is coming to an end, I am looking forward to the next chapter which I’m sure will lead to another adventure for my family and me.  I don’t know what that adventure will be, but I’m excited to find out.

"While holding elective office is something I do, it’s not who I am.  Having held many titles such as U.S. Army major, judge, prosecutor, assemblyman, and senator, the titles husband and father remain the most important to me, which is why I am deeply thankful for the love and support of my wife, Christine, and my children, Matt, Danny, and Mallory, who made many sacrifices during my time in the Legislature, and without whom I would have never been able to serve.  I believe by choosing not to seek re-election, my children are learning not only is there honor and integrity in getting involved in public service, but there is also honor and integrity in gracefully stepping aside to allow others to serve the public.

"I appreciate the counsel from friends who reminded me how hard I worked to earn my seat in the first place, who pointed to the polling data showing a clear path to re-election, and who encouraged me to run again while I’m at the top of my game.  I never intended elective office to be a career for me, and while I have  always taken the position seriously, I never took myself seriously.  To run just for the sake of holding onto a title would mean putting my ego ahead of the needs of the families of Atlantic County. That’s not what I believe in.  It is healthy for our democracy and better for those we represent to open opportunities for others to serve in office.  New candidates can bring fresh ideas while energizing more voters to participate in the process.

"This chapter in my life was a page turner, particularly the story about our successful fight to defeat North Jersey casinos, which saved our industry and thousands of local jobs.  I’m grateful for those who helped me write all of the pages in this chapter:

"The families of the Atlantic County Republican party who believed and trusted in me to nominate me as an advocate for all of our families;

"Independent and Democrat families who voted for me because they also had faith I would do what’s right for all Atlantic County families, regardless of party affiliation;

"my colleagues in the Legislature, who joined with me on bills and issues to help Atlantic County;

"talk show radio hosts and journalist friends, who graciously provided a platform for me, as a public servant, to answer the public’s questions; and

"the many churches, civic groups, and local organizations whose members and volunteers I got to know during my term, who do their part every day to make Atlantic County a great place to live, raise a family, and retire in.

"Although my time in elected public service will come to an end, I look forward to continuing serving in other ways.  I’m grateful and blessed for the opportunity to do my best to serve the families of Atlantic County, and, in my own way, by working with everyone, I hope they feel I helped make their lives better.

"Thank you and God bless.”

Called for comment, Atlantic County GOP Chairman Keith Davis offered the following:

"He gave ten years of his life. I admire him for his service. It wasn't an easy decision but it was the right one for him, and he leaves a tremendous void. I'm going to miss him. He's a friend. But ith every retirement we have gotten stronger. We'll have a convention. We will do that, and we have time to make the best decision about our candidate."

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