Senator Kim Statement on the Inauguration of Donald Trump

Today, Senator Andy Kim released the following statement ahead of the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 47th President of the United States.
“Donald Trump will take the oath today because the status quo simply isn’t working for most people,” said Senator Kim. “The mandate for change isn’t just his, but everyone who swears an oath to public service. Within that change, we have a choice; between allowing corruption to thrive or combatting it, between handing out favors to corporations and special interests or providing opportunities for working families, and between being weak and alone or strong and leading the world into the rest of this century. Our job isn’t to score political points, but to make sure that the change we make brings a new status quo that works for everyone. I’m ready to get to work.”
You Haters hate Trump because he makes you all look like fools. He embarrasses you. He out performs you. He works within common sense guidelines. He is a fox where most act like sheep. He commands attention and cannot be bought. His effigy should be carved into Mount Rushmore. They tried to kill him twice, obviously they are afraid of him at many levels.
The democrats seem to forget 73 million people voted for Donald Trump ! He won the election, the people’s vote , and like it or not he is our President for four years. He is the man to turn this country around. If the democrats didn’t turn it upside down he would have never had to run! It is a disgrace what Biden did to the economy and allowing all these criminals in our country! I am so happy to see them all GO! I have 3 good things to say about them, Good luck, Good riddance and Good bye!
Thank you Senator Kim for cutting through the noise.
The fact that Sen. Kim saw no positive content to Pres. Trump's speech continues . to show the democratic response to Americans wanting change from the last 4 years of lies and corruption. Biden's blanket pardons are just the tip of what the American people have known for years. The American people wanted change and have spoken.
America was great until today. We are now a banana republic, with the 500 pound gorilla in the room. But he will never truly be our president. #RESIST
Yes, Trump is Senator Kim’s president, and mine, as well. Your second sentence is joke. Using your skewed logic, it then follows that the endorsement of Trump by anyone, including you, was meaningless in 2020, since he lost that election. You can count on the fact that Senator Kim, myself, and millions of other voters who did not vote for Trump will NOT go away.
Hey Max. Trump is your president. I guess your Kamela endorsement a minute after she became the candidate didn’t mean diddly. Do us Republicans a favor or and leave us alone now.