Senator Loretta Weinberg's 2023 Women's Power List (PDF)

weinberg women's power list

Serving the people of New Jersey was the honor of a lifetime. One of my favorite parts of working in the Legislature for years was the opportunity to work with, advocate with, and befriend some of the smartest, savviest and most inspirational women in the Garden State.

When I was first sworn in, I was the only woman in the Assembly’s Democratic caucus room. Today, there are over 40 women in the Legislature and our Lt. Governor is a woman. Now, that’s not even half of the seats in chambers but it's an improvement. We also have more women managing campaigns, consulting and advocating in Trenton than ever before.

Leading efforts to protect women in the workplace, improve maternity care, bolster equal pay and expand our laws against discrimination has been one of the great joys of my life. Being a part of this social, cultural and political sea-change for women continues to fill me with pride and purpose every day.

We all know there is still much work to be done. Last year I launched the Loretta PAC to support local woman candidates around the state and I continue to share my opinions and positions, even with those who don’t want to hear it. There are too many fights worth fighting to truly retire, however, I recognize the need to pass the torch - to give space for the next generations of leaders, advocates and coalition builders. I have thoroughly enjoyed creating and maintaining this list of New Jersey’s powerful women, but next year I am handing the reins over to Assemblywoman Shavonda E. Sumter.

Shavonda is an unwavering advocate for social justice, equality and women’s rights. I could not be more sure that the project is in safe, reliable hands.

Thank you to all the people who have made this possible over the years and thank you to Insider NJ for supporting the creation of this list. I assure you it is worth it, because if there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that Jersey Girls really are something special.

Loretta Weinberg, former Senate Majority Leader

Download Senator Loretta Weinberg's 2023 Women's Power List or view it below:

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Previous comments for: Senator Loretta Weinberg's 2023 Women's Power List (PDF)

  1. BJAG says:

    YOU GOT THAT RIGHT!!!' I'm curious to know how Lorretta Weinbergs Chief of Staff became the Bergen County Superintendent of Elections with ZERO experience! Although Bergen County is not the largest it is in fact the home to the MOST registered voters - no coincidence there though getting rid of the former Supt and her deputy "weeks" before the Gubernatorial primary and subsequent election and then . . . refusing to fill the position until AFTER the November election until Murphy was forced to make the announcement! No way in hell did Murphy win that election - had Sweeney rightfully contested it Ciattarelli would be the Governor today! Instead, rest assured Sweeney will be awarded the Governorship for maintaining his silence! So what role did Lorretta have in all of this that it was HER Chief of Staff appointed to the position?

  2. NoMoreMarxistsInDC says:

    Loretta Weinberg is nothing more than a card-carrying Communist. She pushed the NJ Prevention of Domestic Violence Act, which has destroyed thousands of families, parents and children. The DV Act has been egregiously abused and misused in the NJ Family Courts. Parties who never filed any domestic violence during their marriages, all of a sudden file when hiring a divorce lawyer for their divorces. The law was unnecessary since we have a Criminal Code in New Jersey. But, Weinberg with support of radical leftist women's groups pushed and passed the law to undermine everyone's substantive and procedural Due Process by turning criminal acts into civil acts with a much lower standard of proof. Over 70% of all domestic violence allegations and repeated allegations are false and fraudulent. Yet, the courts run parents through a "meat-grinder" of DV laws when the lawyers want to pad their legal fees. Also, Weinberg has been a big proponent of Anti-2nd Amendment laws, wanting to disarm the entire NJ populace, while allowing criminals, who will find weapons anywhere they can get them--illegally. Weinberg forgets that her own people were almost exterminated in 1930s & 1940s Germany by "reasonable" and "common sense" gun control--that led to total confiscation and the government at that time murdering over 6 MILLION of their own people, and murdering another 10 MILLION innocent people in the process. This is what usually happens to people when their governments interfere with their rights, especially self-defense rights. The governments end up murdering them for not following government diktats. All one has to do is look up the number of innocent people murdered by their governments in the 20th Century-Present, and will see that number being over 250 MILLION!!! Political hacks like Weinberg don't get it. She is just another clueless glad-handing, back-slapping political hack that should be put out to pasture.

  3. Dem says:

    And let's not forget that Loretta was the first person to expose "Bridgegate." She was a fixture at Port Authority hearings during that time demanding answers. Schuber and his cronies mocked her. But Loretta had the last laugh!

  4. MJ Dace. says:

    I remember when Loretta Weinberg ran against William Pat Shueber, for Bergen County Executive. Unfortunately she lost to him from the 1998 election. He threw all of the Bergen Pines County Hospital employees under the bus to privatize the hospital to a for profit firm from Colorado. He eliminated the Civil Service status as well. What a disgrace. Mr.Shueber jeopardized lot people's lives such as the patients and employees of hospital. Ms.Weinberg was trying to prevent it from occurring when was running against him for office. She had great intentions for Bergen County.

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